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Wang Yibo paused in his steps and looked up the sky. He just went out of the studio building. In the bright and vast blue sky painted by white fluffy clouds is a long white trail created by an airplane. "Ge..." he muttered. He lowered his head as he continued to walk towards the parking lot.

It's already been 3 years since Xiao Zhan left the entertainment industry. It was his 31st birthday when he uploaded a video of his retirement in the industry. Everyone was shocked. 31 is the prime age in the entertainment world. Yet Xiao Zhan wanted to leave. When he made a press conference, he only answered a few questions.

"Why are you leaving?" it was a fan who asked him that with a crying face.

Xiao Zhan could only apologetically smile, that smile that captured billions of fans and melted their hearts. Now that smile gives them pain. Since their idol is leaving. "I wanted to pursue my dream." He answered.

"What is your dream?"

Xiao Zhan finally gave a real smile after his announcement. "That is – "

Wang Yibo blinked when he heard a honk of the car. He didn't notice he's at the middle of the road and he's blocking someone who's going to park. He uttered an apology and walked away. "Wang Yibo!" he heard a voice called.

His feet stopped and he turned. His eyes went wide when he saw it was a familiar person. "You're – " he said.

The woman smiled. She's the president of their fanclub. "I'm working in Tencent now." She proudly said.

Wang Yibo looked at the studio building. This building is very memorable to him. "Hm."

The woman noticed his nostalgic expression. "I know." She smiled. "This is where you two first met." She said.

Wang Yibo turned to her and nodded. "I'm leaving." He said.

"Wait." She said. "We're... your fans are still here for you." She told him. "Even though you're not an actor and an idol anymore..." she said. "Like him. We, your fans, are still here for you. We will never leave you. We're still hoping you could see him again." She smiled at him.

Wang Yibo paused. A real smile appeared on his face. "Thank you." He said. He gave a one last looked at the studio building before he rode on his motorbike. An acquaintance called him to go there. He said he has something to tell him. He didn't expect to meet one of their fans – his and Xiao Zhan's.

After Xiao Zhan's retirement, the fans were very disappointed. It was like Xiao Zhan took away their soul – including his. A year after Xiao Zhan retired and he retired, creating a double major shock in a span of only one year. In his press conference, he honestly said –

"I want to be a racer." He answered. After that and he left, didn't entertain any more questions.

Many people bashed him, saying he never cared for his fans. They are wrong. He never cared for any opinions, including theirs. And so he left the entertainment industry with a peaceful mind despite the storm he made when he left. He continued to be a racer, living his life with a thrill. However, despite that, at the end of the day and he will still be lonely. He knows, in his heart, he only pursued racing to forget Xiao Zhan and the thrill to fill the gap in his heart. However, it didn't. The gap only grew until it almost swallowed him. His sanity held himself back from suffering accidents during his races.

He parked his motorbike and took off his jacket, revealing his tailored suit that is perfectly hugging his body. Next, he removed his helmet and mask. The people in the parking lot that saw him gasped in surprise.

"Wha – isn't that - ?!" they saw and pointed at him as he walked inside the airport. In his hand is a bouquet of roses. When the sunlight shifted, they seemed to see something shone in the roses. Their eyes went wide. Is that what I think it is?! They thought as they hurriedly followed Wang Yibo.

Unrestrained - Wang Yibo x Xiao Zhan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now