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I heard of a song that perfectly fits you well.

I have these thoughts since this is what I felt.

These feelings of mine that no one can tell.

But, gege... I need to be restrained, making me feel unwell.

"Star, star, star... the shine of the stars, I can see them in your eyes. Star, star, star... the shine in your eyes, I had found them in the stars."

(A/N: that's the song above. 😀 i made a translation of its chorus.)

Wang Yibo stared at Xiao Zhan as Xiao Zhan stared at him

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Wang Yibo stared at Xiao Zhan as Xiao Zhan stared at him. Ah... gege... he thought as countless camera flash on them as the host announced the awardees' names again, including theirs. However, he doesn't seem to hear anything except his wildly beating heart.

"Are these the drums, or my heart? The beat is so loud it made me deaf to everything around me."

His eyes are stuck on Xiao Zhan as they left the stage. The man has his back on him, yet he doesn't care. He only felt a deep attraction towards the man. Because he loves him.

"The reason why I had my eyes on you isn't because I recognize you. It's because my eyes can't help but follow someone that shines the brightest – and that's you."

The venue is like the galaxy, filled with many stars yet only you I can see the brightest. Ge... I think I'm going crazy just watching you. We hadn't sat beside each other the whole night. We hadn't talked even for a second. We can't even spare a glance at each other. Since we can't. We had the spotlight on us, which every celebrity loves to have. However, I feel like this spotlight is killing us. We can't move even just a step or else the light will burn us. Ge... he watched us Xiao Zhan walked away, not even giving him a look back. I wonder... what should we do? What can I do? I'm going insane. I want to touch you –

He stood up and walked towards the backstage, leading to the rooms assigned for each of them. He saw Xiao Zhan going inside his room. He didn't hesitate and followed him inside. He saw him standing by the sofa, looking outside the window.

Xiao Zhan turned when he heard footsteps and saw him. Caught him off-guard, he grabbed his hand and pulled him to the sofa. Xiao Zhan fell on his back to the sofa while he's standing behind him. "Ge." He called.

Xiao Zhan stared at him with his adorable eyes widened. "Di. What are you – " he said.

That voice that I longed to hear – Wang Yibo thought. However, he didn't let him speak more. He leaned down and kissed him. Ah... this taste... he thought as he licked Xiao Zhan's lips that he hadn't tasted since the last time they saw each other. Xiao Zhan, missing him as much as he missed him, kissed him back.

Wang Yibo got a lip cut after that

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Wang Yibo got a lip cut after that. This event got them reprimanded by their own managements. However, they didn't expect for the situation to be severe.

(A/N: to be continued next chapter - immediately since i already finished writing this XD anyways. i'll add the pictures later when i opened this on my wattpad app since the pictures are saved on my phone. Those pictures/fanarts that inspired me ^_^) 

Edit: the pictures aren't mine. Credits to theit owners! Good job!

Unrestrained - Wang Yibo x Xiao Zhan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now