the breakup?

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Leaving early in the morning type made a plan to break up with fluke. He didn't know if him and tharn would happen but what he was doing was not okay. He couldn't do it anymore. Fluke didn't deserve this. Type went to the university in a cab not wanting to wake up his parents. He took one look at tharns parents house thinking of tharn. I don't know if this is truly real or not but i can't continue to hurt fluke. Type still had. A negative spin on this whole situation with tharn. He still didn't believe,the bl novels he grew up with didn't help. Type gulped and went back.
3 hours later he was in his dorm. He went to to the kitchen making a instant noodle dish. He was procrastinating a bit. He knew fluke for 3 years. He's the one who helped him come out and be social, he was one of his first friends. When fluke asked him out he was surprised and now he didn't know quite how to break up with him. He didn't want to lose him as a friend but maybe that would be for the best After everything type has done. Type was going to tell him the whole truth. He wanted to be punished he wanted to be hurt. He deserved everything fluke would probably do to him. Type couldn't finish his meal. He leaned into his couch being away from tharn he could think. This situation was fucked up. He didn't really believe tharns feelings for him. He still believed it was just the shock of seeing each other after so long. If he wasent gay would tharn even have tried to kiss him back then would he even do what he has done now. Types mind was a distorted puzzle. Should he Just be alone? The situation with tharn couldn't last could it? Could they eventually be boyfriends? Types heart skipped a beat. He would love for that to happen but with all the mistakes type has done he didn't believe in an happy outcome for him. Suddenly his phone rang he saw it was fluke. Type breathed in. Right off the bat fluke was crying into the phone.
"Fluke what's wrong?"
"Type." He sobbed.
"Fluke what's wrong where are you?"
Fluke continued to sob.
"Where i asked you out."
The call ended.
Type gulped. Paniced he raced out the door running to fluke. He saw fluke sitting down on the steps crying his eyes out. Type went over to him. Eyeing fluke, fluke put his arms over types shoulders crying into his shirt. Type breathing in put his arms around fluke. He rubbed his back.
"What happened?"
"He... Bullied... Me.. For.. Being..."
He sobbed uncontrollably. Gulf signed he knew what must have happened. This university was pretty good at same sex couples but some didn't like the idea. Type hugged fluke closer.
Tharn knew type had gone to the university and he made sure to get his favorite candy. Parking his car in the parking lot he smiled. This idea was prefect, surprise type. He knew today was going to be horrible and he wanted to cheer type up. Tharn went to types dorm knocked on the door no answer. He shrugged. He started to ask fellow students if they had seen him. One pointed at type.
"Thanks." Tharn nodded.
He stopped dead cold. Tharn saw type hugging fluke tightly. It didn't look like a breakup hug to him. He felt something was amis.
Type opened his eyes to see a figure standing close by. He immediately thought it was the bully fluke spoke about. Looking closer he saw it was tharn. He grimaced. He looked down at fluke then up at tharn. Type couldn't move. Tharn breathed in shakily. He looked at type with narrow eyes and he retreated. Type jumped a little wanting to go after tharn. Fluke looked up at type with tears overflowing his eyes. Type smiled down hugging fluke.
Walking fluke home they hugged.
"Thank you for being there for me babe."
Type grimaced.
"No problem I'm here for you."
Fluke smiled into types chest. He watched has fluke closed the door. Type put his hand on the door.
"I'm such a shitty human being." "Fluke I'm so sorry."
Type walked home sullen. He needed to call tharn. Getting inside he flicked on the lights with his phone to he's  his ear he jumped. Tharn was in his room on his bed with his head down.
"How did you?"
Tharn lifted his head to look at type in anger. Type also forgot tharn had his ways of getting in. He probably told the front desk VA that he was his brother. He would have all the info. Type had to breathe. He put his keys and phone down,he continued to look at tharn.
"Let me explain."
Tharn got up and stood right in front of type looking down.
"Did you break up with him?"
"Um" type bit his lip.
"Did you?"
"Did you break up with him?" Tharn said every word slowly. He balled up his fists.
Type hung his head.
"No." He whispered.
Tharn Had to close his eyes. Type looked at tharn he knew this anger. Type tried to put his hand on tharns chest. Tharn leaned away. Type hated rejection but he deserved it. Type took a breathe.
"Tharn i couldn't do it." "Today. What you saw. Fluke had been bulled for being gay."
Tharn opened his eyes to look at type hunging his head trying not to cry. Tharn had to take a breathe. .
"Is he okay?"
Type nodded.
"I don't think they did anything but fluke wouldn't talk about it, i couldn't, i just couldn't tharn. Not after everything he's helped me with while being here."
Tharn looked at type he didn't know how to feel or what to say.
Type looked up at tharn confused.
"When will you break up with him?"
Type flinched.
"When type?"
"You've got to give me a week."
Tharn breathed in deeply.
"Then ill see you in a week."
Type frowned.
Tharn moved past type trying to leave. He froze when he felt types weight on his back. Tharn closed his eyes. He started to feel wetness on his back. Type knew this was for the best,but he couldn't stop himself. He knew he was already in love with tharn. He hated for him to leave. Tharn looked towards the ceiling.
"Damn it type."
He spun stone around grabbing at types face rubbing the tears away.
"I've waited 3 years for you, i can wait another week."
Types lips parted and tears started to fall. Tharn pushed his lips onto types hard. They sucked on each other's tongues licking everywhere inside. Tharn pushed type to the bed taking off his shirt. Once on the bed the two boys were completely naked. Tharn was on top of type he wouldn't leave his mouth. With his one hand he played with his nipples and with his other he teased his head. He moved his finger around getting sticky with the precum. Type moaned into tharns mouth. He put types precum in his anus and tharn put his member inch by inch. They both moaned in unison. Type wrapped his legs around tharns waist letting tharn thrust in and out. Type came first. Tharn thrusted deeper and harder into the cavity. He exploded into type.
They laid on the bed tharn wrapped his arms around type stroking his hair.
"I want some rules for this week."
Type looked up at tharn who was looking straight ahead.
"No kissing, no hand holding, touching to the extreme bear minimum."
Type nodded moving to lay his head on tharns chest running his hand up and down tharns stomach.
This is going to be one hell of a week they both thought in unison.

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