Chapter 2- All To Hell!

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I threw on some clothes, Some black jeans, white shirt, an open black Hood and of course my favourite black boots.

I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Ugh, Not so good today either. Underneath my dark brown eyes had dark circles again from lack of sleep and my brown hair was a bunch of curly, frilly mess. I sighed and grabbed my brush, raking it through my hair and turned on the straightener,

Might as well have something while it heats up....

I walked into the long corridor and walked down it into the kitchen and pulled out milk, pouring it into a glass.

"It was YOUR fault ,Chax! Don't just act like it didn't happen! Now I can't have my damn toast!" Markus was angrily shouting at Chax in the lounge room. Thank god they'd moved their little fight out of my kitchen.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I seem to remember YOU dropping it, Markus. Why are you yelling at me?" Chax smirked, calmly.

He always got into trouble. It doesn't really help that he's slowly losing his mind.

I slowly sipped the milk from my glass, watching them bicker and helix panicking in the middle of them trying to get them to stop. As tall as he is, He's unbelievably timid and shy and finds it hard to talk to strangers sometimes. He got lost in the mall once and started crying. I think you can tell how shocked the store manager was that a grown man, bigger than him was crying in the middle of his shop because he'd lost someone. The manager thought he meant I had died until I came back with a book in my hand and was footy tackled and bear-hugged. I apologized for the trouble.

Markus was getting really angry. He got angry easily. He had black hair and eyes that were grey. He seemed blind but he was perfectly fine. That's just his normal eye color. It had apparently been passed down through his family,

"You're pissing me off, Chax!" He pushed helix aside easily and stepped in front of chax, so close he could ripp his throat out.

"Hey! Stop it, Okay? Amy's going to go down and get some food. Please.... Don't resort to violence. You'll just end up hurting each other and then, We'll need to buy bandages or pay hospital bills, too. So just relax! Got it?!" Helix shoved his way in between them again.

I groaned. How pathetic. All this fighting. "Listen. Either you get along or I can teach you to get along..." I leaned down onto the bench putting my glass down and cracking my knuckles.

Markus glared, "Fine, Whatever." and stormed off into his room slamming the door.

I whistled, "Touchy, eh?"

"What are you doing? I could have easily split him in two!" Chax grinned at me.

I looked at him. At his pure ice blue eyes. At his blonde hair that use to be long but I cut it short. He was skinny and had hardly any muscle. People underestimated him because of it. Truth is.... He's a mad scientist. He's created so much stuff since coming here, to my house.

Sure, We're happy to have him. But sometimes he's a total pain in the ass.

"Yeah, Yeah, Whatever. I'm going out  to the shops." I place my glass of milk into the sink and walk to the front door, slamming it shut.

Why can't I spend my day at the movies or something?....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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