I finished my tea and walked over to Natsu after Erza knocked the crap out of both him and Gray for fighting. "Now play nice you two." The reply in unison, "Yes, ma'am." rubbing their heads still glaring at each other. "Hey Natsu!" He looks up at me and doesn't lose his irritation. "Yeaa?" I frown that he didn't answer me in his usual cheerful way like before. "Can we take a walk and talk outside?" He continues rubbing his head. The expression on his face makes me think if he's debating if he really wants to be anywhere near me. "Yea, sure." He gets up and heads out the door without even waiting for me. I jog after him to catch up. 

We walked in silence for a while and it got awkward. Really awkward. It felt so unnatural it made me uncomfortable. "So, did you wanna have that conversation?" He looks up at me confused for a second, "What conversation?" I have to blink away the disbelief from my face before answering, "The one about what happened? With the giant plants?" His confusion is replaced with recognition but annoyance, "Oh, that one." I'm starting to get angry myself with the way he's responding. "Yea, THAT one." We make it to a spot in the park a little ways from my apartment and he sits down on a bench beneath an apple tree. He has his arms leaned on his knees and his hands folded in front of him. "Well? Talk." He says flatly as he glares out at nothing. What is his problem?? "Okay Natsu what's the matter with you? You've been acting strange lately ever since I got better from my injury. You've gotten distant from me, you barely talk to me, what gives?" I don't know if it was what I said, or the way I said it but he was set off. "Are you serious?? 'What gives'? 'Whats the matter with me'?? You Lucy!"

I finch at the aggression in his tone of voice. "Why didn't you just let Wendy heal you?? She went RIGHT TO YOU and was RIGHT THERE to help you, and you didn't let her?? Why? You didn't have to go through what you did! You didn't have to put ME through what happened to you! I was worried sick about you! I was scared for you! I thought you were DYING. You WERE dying! All because you were too stubborn to take Wendy's help!" He finishes shouting at me and I lower my head letting my hair cover my eyes. "Natsu, I didn't take Wendy's help because I didn't want to be a burden to her or any of you. I'm ALWAYS the 'damsel in distress'. You guys are always having to save my ass because I'm not strong enough. You guys are always forced to pick up the slack I create. I thought I could heal myself with my spirits help. I wanted to do it on my own and not burden you guys." I say quietly. "YOU'RE NOT A BURDEN!!" 

I look up at him sheepishly. He's not even trying to hide how pissed he actually is anymore. "You have NEVER been a burden to me! I don't care how many times I have to save and protect you. I ALWAYS WILL! You're 'not strong enough'?! Don't start with that! I don't understand why you think that!" He finishes through clenched teeth. I feel my eyes well up with tears, I already feel so guilty about it and I hate how mad he is at me, he doesn't understand. "I'm always the one getting hurt! I'm always the one getting kidnapped or taken and threatened! No one else in our group seems to have the same issue that I do! Why do you think that is?? Oh, I know, because I'm not strong enough to fend for myself on my own! That doesn't happen to Erza, or you, or Gray, not even Wendy! But me? Just about every time! That's probably why you've been taking jobs with Lisanna and ditched me! She's not about to be kidnapped or hurt as easily!" 

He drops his glare and just looks like he's done with me, "At least I know for sure she's going to be honest with me if she gets really hurt in a fight or on a mission. If something happens she'll tell me and we work things out as a team." And with that my heart broke. "Fine. Take all the jobs you want with her! Completely leave me behind Natsu!" I turn on my heels and begin walking away but stop and turn my head to him and say, "Again, I'm sorry." and head back to the guild. Leaving Natsu alone underneath the apple tree looking back at me.

I march through the doors and plant myself at the bar. "Mira!" She comes over to me with a puzzled expression, "What can I get ya Lucy?" "A whisky please." She looks surprised, "I did hear you right, you said a whisky?" "Yeaa" She doesn't move for a moment but then says, "Okay, coming up." I just wanted to feel numb. She comes back with the whisky and I take a swig from it and set it down again. Feeling the liquid warm me up from the inside. I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder. I look up to see Levy. "Hey Levy.." "Uh, Hey, Lu.." She takes a seat next to me while looking at me concerned. "You okay? You never just.. drink." I down the rest of my drink and grab her wrist and we make our way to the library in the guild.

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