<Chapt 2> Police?

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// Recap! // " comming!" She grabbed the door nob and opened the door.//
<K.C's p.o.v.>
I opened the door " oh! How can I help you Mr. Officer?" I said smiling at them.
" there has been some mafia crime happening around town and we have been going around and making sure that everyone is ok and if  you see anything suspicious then please contact the police." He said
"Of course officer I will do just that! I hope you have a wonderful day!" I smiled and waved at them as they left.
I headed back upstairs to see G.G looking out the window blushing.
" G?" I called out.
<G.G's p.o.v>
"G?" K.C called out
I jumped and looked at her. " o-oh so who was at the door?" I ask
" just the cops they were telling us to be careful because there have been mafia crimes that have been happening" She explained as she sat down on the bed agian
" oh...thats not good..." I said sitting down with her. I grabbed my stuffie and hugged it.
" so continue the disney night!" She said excitedly and played the movie.
<K.C >
I looked over at my friend and saw her asleep. I laughed softly and coverd her with a blanket.
Who did she see that made her blush that bad? I thought putting the snacks and movies away.
" oh well we will find out in the morning." I said yawning and going to sleep.
《 k! Chapter 2 done! I'm actually doing this at an actual time! Yay! 》

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