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**** High on the hill top, a man lay below the branches of the large Apple tree on the highest edge of the knoll. He wore a ghilly suit, and held military grade binoculars to his eyes. Beside him, rested a military sniper rifle. His black eyes watched as he took down notes for the boss.

He turned to level an evil glare at the stone that stood only feet from where he lay. He shoved his middle finger in the air at the stone while he smirked and fantasized showing the disrespect to the man resting at peace beneath the stone.

"You may have stopped us once, Blanton, but you sure can't stop us now. My father, brother and I will have your ranch." He spat tobacco juice at the base of Brett Sr's head stone.

Little did he realize that two unseen Rangers leaned against the tree, with arms crossed, they watched the sniper. Deputy Sam Dogg turned back to the festivities and began taking more notes.

'That idiot cowboy thinks he can just up and marry a rich little singing star! Where does she get off marryin' a millionaire rancher and foist her kid brother and sister off as his? Thinks he has the right to be happy? What gives her the idea that she can take what is rightfully mine!' He spit once more, 'They have no idea who they're dealin' with. You go ahead hayseed and enjoy it while you can.'

He reached for his rifle, aimed and was ready to take his shot... when a soft breeze wafted past his face. The sweet breeze that smelled of apple blossoms... but the tree had no blossoms... he looked around him. A deep, disembodied voice of a young man, drifted in the wind and swirled around him.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you! Leave now, while you can. We'll give ya this one chance... use it well, Dogg!"

* * *

Hope rose to her feet, hair stood up along her spine as she smelled the air sweeping down from Apple Hill. She growled deep and low and began stepping toward the hill.

Beau looked at Hope and then at the hill. Sheriff Koni, Bear and Hos also stood and smelled the air. They looked at each other and exchanged hand signals.

"What is it girl?" He asked placing his hand on Hope's neck.

Bear suggested that he let her go, check it out before the wedding guests and Drina noticed.

* * *

Samuel A. Dogg turned white, scrambled up, and took off for his horse, leaving his notes scattered over the graves. At the last moment he reached down toward his rifle. His hand stopped midway when a large canine paw stepped on the barrel. The man froze.

With all the wolves they had raised and trained, he stared into the deadly eyes of the biggest wolf he had ever seen. When she growled and snarled... he had never seen bigger teeth, or been more scared in his life.

The apple scented breeze swirled around the knoll and a different voice, an older voice echoed in his ears, "Easy girl. Dogg, you were warned, this is your last chance. Go while you can."

Dogg decided it was better to live another day and bolted toward his horse

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Dogg decided it was better to live another day and bolted toward his horse. The sound of laughter belonging to not just one man, but two caused goosebumps to cover his arms.

Dogg decided not to tell his old man about how this stakeout ended. The boss would be mad, but they would always have other opportunities to take Blanton out.

After he mounted, Dogg turned to look back up the hill. What he saw staring down terrified him far more than the wolf ever could.

* * *

The two ghostly Rangers watched from the hill top. One was dressed in Bull Riding attire. Jeans, boots, vest, and cowboy hat. The younger of the two was in full battle gear. Helmet, vest, weapons (including his firearm), boots, and pack. He was still covered in the soot, smoke, dirt, and his own lifes blood. Reminders of the battle that'd taken his life.

A battle that if ever given the chance, he would gladly fight again. Even now after death, he still viewed it as a great honor to have fought and died for his country, and his brother.

First Lieutenant Kincaid looked at the Major, and spoke his lips never once moving. "He'll be back. His father is not one to give up so easily."

Major Blanton nodded, "Yes, Beau's lady knows where the files are now. It will be a few years before Rodriguez can make his final move, and by then they will have help... and not just from us."

Kincaid nodded, looking sad, "Rowdy, is loosin' faith in himself. I'm afraid his resolve is weakening. I fear for my brother's sanity. My sister's as well. They are still not speaking. Trish is stubborn in her own way."

Brett looked at the younger Ranger beside him. "We serve the Big Man now. Trust that He knows what's to be done. We do as commanded. Don't worry, son... Rowdy will be fine. So will Patricia."

With that they returned to their silent vigil.

* * *

Beau, Sheriff Koni and the Rangers, past and present, crept silently up the knoll. They covered the area looking for tracks and evidence when Beau discovered the rifle. Several began picking up the note paper, being careful to avoid adding their own fingerprints. Koni picked up the rifle with gloved hands.

"We'll get all this to the lab and see if it yields anything of use." She turned to Beau, "Go on back to the reception and enjoy it. I'd be willing to bet this is tied in to the rustling. But, worse now we know someone has been marked for execution."

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now