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Thanksgiving Day -

**** The main house was, "Bustin' at the seams," according to Yancy. There were extra tables in the kitchen, dining, and front rooms. All were laden down with enough delectable dishes to make the biggest, hungriest cowboy push back from the table and plead, "No more!"

Lillie, and Jade had been in their element mixing, chopping, cooking, baking and roasting. After Lillie's initial shock that not only was Rodney Smithe alive, but he was no doubt behind the rustling, and had molested two of her daughters.  Only then did she realize, he was still her husband.

Beau talked with Yancy, Rowdy, Nate, Topper, Bear and Sheriff Koni at length prior to telling her. They had all their facts straight, laid the proof out carefully so Lillie could see they were being honest, and straight foreward.

At first, she denied it was possible, then accepted the growing list of facts. But, the hardest for her was what he had done to her children. What she had enabled him to do and to continue doing for several years. She had been eaten up with shame, and remorse. Lillie felt she had hurt so many people, people that she loved, children that had depended on her for protection.

Drina found her in the garden one afternoon, crying. "Lillie?" Drina asked quietly. She didn't know if she should invade her privacy. "Can I help?"

Lillie had simply shaken her head, "Nothing can help, there's too much damage. It's too late."

"No! No it's not too late." Drina insisted fervently.

"How would you know? Do you know what my children endured? They begged me to not make them go with Rodney. He said he wanted to bond with them, and I let myself believe him!" she sobbed.

"I'm so sorry that happened. He hurt everyone, you included. I do realize what he did. I've come to know you, your family, and I hope you can see that some good is coming out of this. I know that your daughters have become strong, independent, wonderful young ladies."

Drina hadn't been able to fight back the tears, "Realizing that they helped to set the events in motion that made him leave has been very empowering for them. The counseling that they went to, that they ban again. That you take a part in when appropriate is helping them to heal, deal, and cope better every day. I've seen how much you love, and support them. The fact that you took responsibility, and apologized to them helped so much. Do you know how few parents do that? And, look at what Bobbi has done with her life. She fights for, speaks for children who can't fight, and speak for themselves. She can do so from their point of view."

* * *

Beau and Rowdy stood in the fire pit hut that was just off the kitchen. They grinned as they taught Kyle how to BBQ a steer. Kyle was putting his back into turning the spit. The kid looked up at them, and laughed like a fool.

"This is way cool!" He then looked at all the various parts of the device. "Did you build this?" He asked Beau.

"No, son. My father and grandfather built the hut. This is how it was done in the old days. During the spring and summer we hitch a goat to the treadmill. We put some feed at the end, the goat turns the meat by going after the feed. But, in the cold months we give the goat a break and man it ourselves. Sometimes by hookin' it up to a riding mower. You can rest for a bit. It's pretty much finished now."

Kyle looked at the mouth watering meat. "Where's the other half?"

Rowdy chuckled, "Some of it is in the big freezer, and some is in the smokehouse. We butcher, and give half a steer to each family that works here."

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora