Chapter 7 - Aint Gonna Happen Again

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[ Maxwell's POV ]

Aint it nice waking up with your head pounding like a hammer hitting it nonstop? Well, yeah.

Half asleep, I shifted my position and turned over. My head throbbed more painful and I winced . Woah, the matress felt harder than the last time I checked?

A moan sure escaped from my mouth as sudden irritation climbed inside me. I just shrugged the feeling and grabbed the nearest pillow my hand touched first and cuddled it, trying to drown the drowsiness.

I could smell another faint yet odd scent that im surely very familiar with, I just couldnt tell what or from who it was right now. With my head pounding like crazy, I couldnt think right.

I groaned and  slowly I tried opening my eyes. The warm sunlight greeted me and I noticed that my eyeglasses were absent.

Well I slept, right? Of course I'd place it in the bedside table. My hands searched the bed's edge but strange, I couldnt feel it.

I scratched my eyes off of sleep and let my eyes scanned the vicinity and that's when I noticed the different stuffs inside my - er, somebody'!

And, I've done it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaggghhhhhh!" My usual deep and puberty-brought voice came into a... something that'd freak even spongebob in bikini bottom( if you ever think that might happen btw).

It echoed and lasted for a few seconds till a loud thud broke the noise and I retreated myself. My back felt the headboard and my chest began pumping f*ckin crazy as nervousness took me .

There, someone in blankets just fell off from the  sofa and seemed to be shaken awake and quickly stood up from its lying position.

Oh dang frenchbreads. This cant be effin happening.

All in scrampled white v-neck shirt, a pair of boxers and a nest of a hair, Erickson stood there, bags under his eyes and a dried drool on his right cheek.

Gross, I thought, but he looked cute anyway for a morning fac-

W...wait..wait up, Max! Did I just thought of it?!

Seriously, huh. I rubbed my eyes again, rather harshly this time, blinked a few times and pinched my face. It was no use.

It was reality. In his room. What should I do!

His face painted with sleep deprivation and worry stirred into a smirk as he probably saw my face showing the panic from inside.

D*ng it! Dont do it! Im gonna lose my self-control sooner or later  if you keep doing that!

"Ohh morning sleepyhead", he greeted, mocking.

"Why am I here?!", My mouth said. The question that left my mouth sounded so hypocritical. I've tried recalling back what happened or what were the consequences last night.

"You came here seeking the One Piece." Gah, I groaned at how sarcastic he is right now infront of someone who couldnt remember a few hours of his life.

Yeah I could remember the party, the twins dragging me to this Kenson's place, me going outside and ... And.. Uh...

"What happe.....ned....?", The question lingered from me as I shoved the bedsheet that was covering me and wolla...

If my eyes could just pop out of the sockets like in Spongebob, they sure are already rolling on the floor. Nervous and shocked, I stared in disbelief as I saw the sweatpants im currently wearing.

So that' explains why I felt so loosed. And..and.. my's a green lantern logo shirt!

My pants ... So was my shirt as well. Oh no no way. It's not like what im thinking right now, is it?

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