Let me go through: hado....stop it!

Right in front of my ships: NEVER!!! And oh no you don't Tamaki!

Right in front of my ships added Bootyfly boi to class 1-gay

Bootyfly boi: why ;-;

Right in front of my ships: sorry boo , our group chat name is suck my ass ùwú

Oc-choo choo motherfucker: omg!

Pikachu done fucked up: lol!!😂

Right in front of my ships: my name girls😍, mirio is daddy💛 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), tamaki is baby boi💜(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , And yeah!!

Bootyfly boi left class 1-gay

Let me go through added Bootyfly boi to class 1-gay

Let me go through: .......... :D

BootyFly boi: ........:(

Right in front of my ships: ....... :D

Need a hand?: what are they doing?

Dark lord: idk

Let me go through: :D :D :D :D :D

Right in front of my ships: :D :D :D :D :D

Bootyfly boi: ...:)

Let me go through: YAY TAMAKI!!!❤

Right in front of my ships: ❤❤❤

Innocent cinnamon roll: so mirio you text me saying you had something to tell us

Let me go through: oh yeah! Y'all wanna go to the park and then out to eat

Pikachu done fucked up: hell yeah!

Walking speaker: fine by me

Homomo: yes I will not mind

Let me go through: Nice! meet us at the park at 5! see you there!!

Right in front of my ships: BYE!!!

Let me go through log out of Class 1-Gay

Bootyfly boi log out of Class 1-Gay

Right in front of my ships log out of
Class 1-Gay

Speed king: it's 2:10 let get a moving, once you are dressed meet in the main room

Tape me up:Yes Sir!

"I'm still a little pissed about mirio
beating our asses!" "Language!!"
"Where they at tho?" "I don't know
but-" "Yo!" "Mirio! Hey wait!- where's Hado and Tamaki?" Urakaka ask. "Oh! Change of plans, we're not going to the park!" "what why!?!?!" "Yeah something came up. Sooooo we are going to my house !" Mirio exclaimed
........."Bitch wut?"

"Wait wait!! We as in all of us are going to your house!" Mina exclaimed
"Yep! Tamaki might not like this." Mirio chuckled nervously.

-Time skip to when class 1-A and mirio in front of mirio house -

"Welcome to my home guys!" Mirio yelled while pushing the door open. "Nejire put on some fucking clothes and stop T-Posing tamaki!" A female voice yelled. "Don't mind if I do~" mineta says walking towards the door.Before he can go in a hand grab his shoulder."what the fuck , midoriya let me go!"mineta whined. "Now listen here you grasp shit stain, stop acting like you can touch any women without their permission. You're shitty as can get sued , put in jail. And when people in prison find out what you did to get in prison. They are going to do it to you. Do you want to become someone bitch, do you mineta. Do you?" Midoriya ask getting in mineta face. Mineta shook his head no, almost to tears. "Ok then, stop being a fucking pussy ass bitch and act like a fuckung man who respect women! Ok? Ok!" Midoriya finish with a smile. Silence then "lol!, you just got told!" "DAMN!!!!!" "THANK YOU!" they heard nejire yelled from inside "AND IM LESBIAN!"

-Time skip to nejire finally put on some clothes and everyone is inside (yes Tamaki was ok and when mirio came in and sat down , Tamaki was in the middle of mirio and nejire uwu)-

"Soooo what are we doing?" Hagakure ask rocking back and forth (don't worry she has clothes on 😂) "HEY!HEY! I have an idea!" Nejire jump up. "that's no good" Tamaki mumbled. "HEY! I heard that! Anyways first weeks should put someone in a coffin, Then hide and seek..yes its going to be dark , Finally when should go on a midnight walk!!!" "That don't sound-" "BET!!! ok but first we are going to need a coffin!" Denki said slowly looking at momo. "You have to be kidding me." "Please Momo, where are we going to get a coffin from!" Mina exclaimed. "ok but we are going to have to build it." Momo signed in defeat.

-2 hours later-

"Ok who is going first?" "I vote mineta!" "ME TOO!" "ME THREE!" "Wait why–!" Before he can finish his protest, he got hit on the back of his head. "Oh my fuckin' god, he fuckin' dead!" "Ok now that's done y'all want to walk to McDonald's and get some food?" Mirio asked. "HELL YEAH!" "DON'T MIND IF I DO!" "MEEEE!"  "alright let's head out!"

–Time skip to when they get their food and hang a little –

Hello, yes it kinda of late but. and long....but I have to do a part two bcuz, I had wrote so much 😂😂. Part 2 should be out tomorrow or tonight 🤷🏾. Idk yet😂 and sorry for the errors

Love ya❤

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