"Oh I heard you," she said as she nodded, never taking her eyes off of me, "I'm just tryna figure out what the hell is wrong with you."

"Watchu mean?" I frowned.

"Christopher, I understand that you wanna be somebody, and you may feel that this the only way, but it's not."

"I ain't come here for a lecture about right from wrong. I get enough of dat bullshit. I just need a way to get some easy money so I can do what I gotta do to be where I wanna be."

She shook her head, "That's what I'm saying, you don't gotta  do this. I'm not tryna lecture you, I'm just saying going to school would be the better route. What if, God forbid, yo voice go out? Then what you gon fall back on?"

"By then I'm gon been saved up enough money from selling AND however much time I spend singin' to be set."

"Money not always the answer."

"C'mon Zeek." I pleaded, "I ain't tryna do it forever. Just long enough to get a couple racks then I'm done for good."



She sighed, "Don't say I didn't warn you. This stuff not easy Christopher. You may see some fucked up shit."

"Don't you think I know that? Would I be here if I didn't prepare myself for the worst? Plus, I'm from Hobbs Hole; I think I've seen it all." I chuckled as we shook hands.


"Aw hell nah." I gagged when I saw this nigga getting head in the alley from a dirty ass jawn.

Zee laughed, "That's nothin', what happened to 'I'm from Hobbs Hole',  huh?" she smirked. I glared at her as she laughed.

We walked to the end of an alley, which I seem to be finding myself in a lot, and approached a building. Zeek knocked on the door and a small opening on the door slid open. Through it you could see a person's eyes.

"Password." the deep voice demanded.

"Ten twenty-three." Zeek said, soon followed by the sound of the door unlatching and being pushed open. [remember these numbers]

When we walked into the building, the smell of sweat filled my nose. I immediately scrunched my face up.

"It smell like ass in here." I said.

Zeek laughed loudly, "Well it is a gym Christopher." I looked around and noticed 3 large boxing rings, a few large and small punching bags, and some workout machines along with weights and dumbbells.

"I knew that." I chuckled, "What are we here for?"

"You wanna be a Baller, right?" she asked as she pulled her long, brownish blond hair into a pony tail.

"…yeah?" I said, sounding more like a question than a statement.

"Well you gotta be in shape." she took of her shirt, revealing a tank top, as she got into the ring. "You ain't think you was just gon waltz in my office and immediately get put on, did you?"

"No, but I aint think I was gon have to box nobody." I mumbled as I slipped on some boxing gloves.

I heard her giggle, "Oh not just anybody." she smirked, "Me."

"What?" I chuckled, "You really think I'm finna fight you?"

"Yeah." she shrugged.

I laughed and shook my head, "You are something else, you know that?" I said in my best Kevin Hart voice, "Go get somebody else for me to box."

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