Everyone looks at me with worry. "Did you get hit by the plant?" A sweat drop forms on my head and as reassuringly as I can say, "No, no I'm okay, your shoulder just kinda clipped my hip when you landed is all. I'm okay." I offer him a smile. He doesn't look convinced with my answer but the train rattles a bit and his nausea is back, "Oof" he covers his mouth and lays back down slowly across my lap. Phew. I run my fingers through his hair and he wraps his arms around my waist to get a grip and pull himself closer. I hear him take a deep breath in through his nose and exhale in relief. I blush at his action while Wendy "aw's" at him Erza and Gray just roll their eyes at him. "So dramatic." Gray scoffs. "HEY! You try being nauseated every time you're on any vehicle for the whole way and let's see how YOU act!!" He slightly muffles through my clothes. 

We make it back to Magnolia several hours later and the poison has already really begun to get to me. My head hurt, I felt dizzy, my side felt like it was burning fire, nausea had hit me, and I had a cold sweat. "Lucy are you okay?" Erza asks me as we step off the train as she notices how pale I've gotten. "Yeaa, I'm okay. I think I'm just getting sick is all. I felt kinda off on the way to the job to start with. I just need some rest." I feel Natsu staring at me with worry but don't dare look at him. If I barely got away with my lie on the train, I'm not getting away with it now while feeling so crappy. "Let's get this to master so he can get it to Porlyusica!" Wendy says cheerfully. We get to the guild and let Master know about everything and he takes the bag of samples from Wendy. I'm swaying on my feet. Natsu notices this, "I think I'm gonna go ahead and go home to get some rest. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I tell the group and wave them goodbye before they have the chance to question me further.

I barely make it out of the guild doors before I feel a set of strong arms scoop me up and carry me bridal style to my apartment. "Natsu. What are you doing?" "I'm carrying you home." "You don't have to do that. I can walk on my own. Put me down." "No way. I saw you swaying on your feet. You could barely stand where you were, let alone walk all the way home. Nu-uh, I'm carrying you there." With as weak as I felt I was in no position to argue with him and just rested my head against his shoulder and let him carry me home. He jumped up with me in his arms to my window and brought me inside. He sat me on my bed and without a word walked to my kitchen. I sat on my bed with my eyes closed. My head is pounding and the spot where the plant hit me felt like my skin was searing off. It was on fire. I hear my faucet turn on then off and Natsu returned with a glass of water.

"Here, drink it." I take the glass from him and take a drink from it and start to set it down when Natsu's hand blocks me from setting it down. "All of it." I sigh but do as he says and drink the rest of the glass. He takes it from me and sets it down. "You sure you're gonna be okay?" He asks me. I hate making him worry. I really do, but I hate how I'm always the "damsel in distress" I'll figure this out on my own. I'll see if my spirits can help me after he leaves. "Yea, I'm, ugh," I place a hand on my head, "..okay. I just need to change my clothes and go to bed." He goes over to my dresser and pulls out my pink pajama set and places it beside me on the bed. "Thanks Natsu."

Natsu pov

"Thanks Natsu." She sounds so weak. She says she thinks she's getting sick but I don't believe it. Something doesn't feel right about this I just don't know what. I didn't see the plants hit her at all. It couldn't be that, could it? She starts to stand up and starts to undress. Did she forget I was still here? I blush, "I'll just, uh, turn around while you get dressed." I turn my back but as soon as I do I hear her hit the floor. I whip my body around to see her lying on the floor, "LUCY!" I lean down next to her and notice her hip. It has a major gash in it and it's red and inflamed with green and purple like lines leading away from it to the rest of her body. Trailing across her stomach and going down her leg and back. She WAS hit by the poison! I pick her up and hold her like I did on the way to her apartment and bolt out her window with her firmly pressed to me and I run as fast as I can to the guild. Damn it Lucy! Why couldn't you just say something!?

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