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Lauren walked into class the next day hoping to see Zayn, but he was a no show. Lauren tapped her fingers on the desk impatiently. "Got a nervous tick?" Ally joked. Lauren let out a fake laugh, and when she turned her head she rolled her eyes and focused on the door, expecting Zayn to walk in late again.. he never did.

Lunch finally rolled around. Lauren was poking her meatloaf with a fork. She refused to eat it. Edible my ass, she thought. Perrie and Zayn strolled over to the table hand in hand. "Where were you guys in class today?!" Camila questioned. "Do you know how lonely I was in Chem?"

Perrie giggled. "Sorry. It's our eight month anniversary, so we thought we should spend the morning not in school and celebrating in a different way," she nudged Zayn.

Perrie looked at a bored Lauren. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Lauren turned to her with a sly smirk.

"No, not yet." Perrie nodded. Something about Lauren weirded her out. Maybe she just needed to get more comfortable around her. She just wasn't used to having a newbie suddenly placed in their group that everyone was comfortable with instantly. She remembered when she came to the US two years ago it took Camila and Ally an entire month to get used to her. It took her three to get used to them.

"Hey guys, this weekend my uncles letting me stay at his cabin. Who's down?" Troy, Ally's boyfriend smirked. Troy's uncle always let him use the cabin. He may as well let Troy inherit it, because that's who was there all the time. "I'm so down." Camila raised her hand.

"We are too." Zayn raised his hand and Perrie's. Ally nodded.

"Oh I'm definetely down. I need a major get away from all things WoodsBorrow."

All eyes were now on Lauren who was still poking the food objects on her tray. "I'm down. It's just the whole ride situation..." Ally waved a dismissive hand. "You can count on me."

Lauren smiled. "Then I'm down."

Troy clapped. "Awesome! Okay. I'll start illegally purchasing drinks." With that comment, he stood up and rushed out of the cafeteria.

After school on Friday, Lauren was packing a bag for this weekend. Liam walked into her room. "Where are you going?" He asked. Lauren continued shoving things into her bag. "I'm going to a friends cabin this weekend." Liam began laughing. "A friends? Michelle, you've been in that school for probably four days and you already have friends?"

Lauren zipped up the bag, and flipped her hair. "It's not that hard to believe." She walked up to him until she was standing close enough to taste. She proceeded and dug her nails into his arm. "And my name is not Michelle." He cringed in pain. Lauren released her nails. "See you Sunday afternoon." She winked, and walked downstairs.

Ally watched as Lauren walked outside and looked around cautiously, before leaving the porch. She scurried over to Ally's car and got in. "You ready?" Ally asked. Lauren nodded. "So ready, let's get on the road."

"We could've hitched a ride with my boyfriend but he left early."

Lauren and Ally arrived at the cabin an hour and a half later. The only person missing was Perrie. "Where's your girlfriend?" Camila asked. Zayn shrugged.

"She was supposed to be here, and she's not answering her phone." That made Lauren smile a bit. It made Zayn worry a lot.

Everyone was in the kitchen eating french fries, but Lauren stayed in the living room with Zayn. She sat on the chair beside him. "Hey," she smiled. "Hey, weird to say but I'm glad we're alone. I wanted to get to know you more." Zayn stated. "You remind me of someone." Lauren raised an eyebrow.

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