Helen's P.O.V●●●●●

At the end of the schoolday i start to make my way home..happy that someone stood up for me and after that we constantly walked together, maybe she can be my first friend?

"Helen!" I turn around and see Y/n, i smile and wait for her.

"Hey, where do you live?" Y/n asks.

"S/n" (Street Name) i reply, she gasps making me a bit scared, what happened? Someone behind me??

"No fucking way! Me too! Let's walk together." I nod and we walk and talk.

After awhile we came to a stop, "This is my house, Do you live far from here?" She asks i shake my head and point to the house across the street.

"No way! You live across from me??" I giggle a bit and nod. She smiles.

Her front door opens and a man walks outside, is this her father?

"Hey sweetheart, who's this?" The man asks, he looks like a sweet man.
"This is Helen, the new student. He lives across from here." I shyly smile at her dad as he smiled back sweetly.

"Poor young fella..don't you want to come in?" He asks, "No thanks, i really gotta get home..." Ew, home..i get depressed even thinking about it..

"Really? You sure..you wanna go home..?" He asks, why these questions? Why doesn't he want me to go home?

As if reading my mind Y/n asks the same thing.

"What's wrong, dad? Why don't you want him to go?" The father sighs and lays a hand in my shoulder.

"Because those people..your parents have been yelling and fighting all day,  the whole street can hear them." I smile at the father, wish i had a father like that. Concerned and all.

"Its okay, i won't get hurt..to them its like i don't exist." I smile and see the gather gasp, putting his hand over his mouth. "Sweet little boy..well be safe. Know that you're always welcome to come here, you can even stay for days if you want." He says, i smile at the father and nod.

"Thank you..but i really should get going, bye sir, bye Y/n" I say and they both say goodbye..

Y/n's P.O.V++++

After Helen left my father was talking about how sad it was for Helen. Having parents that don't even like you..pretend you don't even exist, poor boy.

"Well, dinner's ready Y/n, i made your favorite meal." My father smiles at me, i smile back and sit down.

Taking in the sweet scent of the food in front of me.

"Have you heard the new Y/n?" Dad speaks up after awhile, i shake my head and he continues.

"Well, last night a girl and her boyfriend got attacked in this town. She didn't survive but her love did..he went insane, that must've been really painful for him, watching a loved one die. What a cruel world we live in."

I look at dad, another kill? That's been the 15th this month! The killings are raising in this town.

"Another kill this month..in this town..its kinda creeping me out." I say and he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry sweetheart, i'll always protect you." I smile happily. Grateful for my dad.

We stand up and start doing the dishes together.

It was fun, we talked and laughed, the phone rang so my dad went to answer it.

I continued on my own but stopped when he came back, he looks so sad. What happened?

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He sighs and helps with the dishes once again.

"My work called," i look at him while raising an eyebrow, "They want me to go out of town for awhile, leaving tonight. They offer me alot of money in this one." He says and looks at me with a sad expression.

I smile at him, "Go for it, i'm sure its very important. You are the best detective around." He shakes his head.


"I can't leave you alone, all these murders that happen.." He sighs.

"I'll be fine, i promise to lock the doors and keep the windows shut plus, i have a pocket knife so..you know." I say while finishing with the dishes and cleaning the sink.

"Are you sure darling?" He sits down.

I nod and sit next to him, "Yeah and besides we can always use some extra money." He smiles and we hug .

As we sit on the couch watching tv i couldn't help but wonder.

'What case could it be? Surely it must be important if they ask my father..maybe he knows more about it?'

"Hey dad? " i turn to look at him, "Yes, darling?" He pauses the movie and focuses on me.

"Do you know anything about the case?" I ask and see him hesitate..why?

"Yes..its about some girl named Luna, 16 years old." Thats all he says? Really?

"Did she get killed?"

He shakes his head.
"No, she went insane..all they know is that someone is giving her the commands of killing people. No names were said, well..only one name." He says and looks around fr a bit.

A name...shit i can't handle this my curiousity is too strong.

"What name?" I quietly ask but, loud enough for him to hear.

He looks right at me then speaks up, "Hail Jeff..." hail Jeff? Who the fuck is he?

"She often talks about him like he's her god, so we suspect its him who gives orders, but all we know is his first name. Thats why they asked me. They wanna catch him." He explains, i just nod, he looks at the time and stands up, i raise an eyebrow wanting to know what he's up to.

"I have to go..see you in a month sweetie, oh and if you ever feel alone, ask Helen to come over and i left money for you on the kitchen counter." He says and i nod.

"Goodbye dad, love you." I hug him tightly, he chuckles before saying, "I love you too. Stay safe." With that said he leaves.

I finish watching the movie and check the time, damn..i should go sleep.

After tossing and turning in my bed i heard a sound like footsteps. Coming from my bathroom.

'Who could be in he- OH NO! The killer!'

I quickly grab my pocket knife and sneak towards the bathroom. I stop at the door and hold my ear against it.


All i hear are some tics..probably my clock, as i was about to walk awa my eyes widen in realisation..i don't have a clock in the bathroom.

The door swings open and i'm pinned to the ground..fuck i'm dead.

"W-who..you.." What i just said didn't make any sense but its whatever.

"D-d-doesn't m-matter..wh-where is y-your f-fa-father?" The boy on top of me asks, i stay quiet and take in his appearance, Messh brown hair..goggles, mouth mask thing, blood all over him..fuck.

Why does he look so young though?

"He ...out." i can barely speak because of the fear. The boy twitches a bit and cocks his head.

"W-where?" He asks, is he stuttering because he's insane?


He nods and raises his axe..axe?? Why didn't i see it before?!

He brings the axe down and everything turns black.

Burning Love (Ticci Toby X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now