"I don't think even your mom would allow it. You'd better ask her," adviced Tani.

"I don't need to!" said Neha, getting mad and leaving the room to find Hardik.

When she told him, he whined, "I'm not going if Siri is not going!"

Neha glared at him. "Yes, you are. We're going!"

"It's no fun just two of us going, let's do one thing, let Rahul come back, then the three of us can go," said Hardik.

Neha, who for some reason was in a very black mood, said rudely, "I don't need you to go with me."

She stormed away from him too.

Since her parents allowed her everything, why shouldn't she enjoy her life more than Siri and Tani, with their overprotective parents?


"Are you and Hardik going?" Tani asked Neha before going to sleep (she had begun to go to sleep at normal hours recently).

"No," said Neha, lying outright. "Hardik wouldn't go because Siri wouldn't!"

Siri laughed as she laid down, which of course made Neha madder than ever.

Tani, for some reason, woke up in the middle of the night, and saw the bed next to hers empty.

Straightaway she knew Neha must have gone to the nightclub. 

"Siri, Siri!" said Tani, shaking her. Siri didn't wake up, of course, so Tani ran out to Hardik's room and banged on it, hoping that Hardik had gone with Neha, but unfortunately Hardik opened the door after a while, yelling, "THIEF THIEF THIEF!"

"Yes, thiefs knock before entering," said Tani, worry making her disagreeable. "And you're in your room, which means Neha must have gone alone, and I'm sure that isn't safe at all."


"And sure, you don't know," said Tani in disgust, and since she wasn't allowed to go to the nightclub as per her mother's instructions, she went and knocked on the next door which happened to be Rohit bhaiya's.

Hearing Tani's urgent shouts, Rohit opened the door reluctantly and said, "What?"

"Neha went to the nightclub next door alone," said Tani grimly.

Rohit took a moment to process it and then said, "Where did she get the idea from?"

"Hardik," said Tani, because Hardik was looking totally unremorseful. No doubt he hadn't grasped it at all.

"I'll deal with him later," said Rohit furiously and went out hastily. "Are you coming, Tani?"

"Mom refused, sorry, bhaiya," said Tani.

"Maa ki chamcha," said Hardik snidely.

Tani glared at him and said, "After you let her go to a freaking nightclub alone, you dare to..."

"Sorry, sorry," said Hardik at once. "Will you come in?" He offered courteously, since they were both standing.

Tani accepted and went and sat on the couch; she knew she wouldn't be able to go to sleep before Rohit bhaiya came back anyway.


Neha was thrilled with the place at first. The atmosphere was cheerful and friendly, like a thousand Hardiks were squashed in the same room, but then she felt furious at the mere thought of Hardik.

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