1 - Parental Disagreements

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"Kaori! Come here!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I could feel the anger growing inside of me. "Kaori!" I quickly stood up and stormed to the hallway, leaning on the railing to see my mom in the living room. "Ah Kasumi, can you get your sister please?" I scowled.

"I don't have a sister." I growled. My mom looked angry.

"Kasumi, she's just going through a phase. Please go get her."

"Katsuki is not going through a phase, Mom. He's known he was a boy since we were 4! You're just too transphobic to care! I wish you were more like dad! He's done everything he can to protect Katsuki!" I screamed, tears falling down my face.

"Just go, Kasumi. I'm done talking about this." I pivoted on my heel and quickly walked to Katsuki's room. I knocked quietly but didn't get a reply so I opened it. Katsuki was curled in the fetus position on his bed, facing the wall. Tears were streaming down his face and blood dripped from his wrists. A kitchen knife and his hearing aids laid near his hands. I let out a shuddering breath before quickly wiping my tears away. I walked to the foot of his bed so he could see me coming. He shakily grabbed his hearing aids and put them in his ears.

"You really are an idiot, Katsuki." He let out a light laugh before breaking down into tears. I quickly moved the knife away from us before sitting next to him. I pulled him into my lap while he cried into my shoulder. "You said you would stop. Why would you lie to me?"

"Why doesn't she get it, Kas?" His voice cracked. "Why does Deku get what he wants but I don't? It's not fair.."

"I know.." I hugged him tighter. He flinched when my elbow lightly brushed his arm. "Will you let me clean them this time, Katsuki? They got infected when you did it." He nodded against my shoulder. I let go of him and he stood, walking to the built-in bathroom in his room. I followed, leaving the knife on his dresser for me to take down later. I turned the cold water on before grabbing his wrists. I plunged them under the water and he scowled at me. I grabbed a black cloth and dabbed the water away. I grabbed ointment and bandages. I put a thin layer of ointment on. Katsuki was still scowling at me. I wrapped the bandages around his forearm and repeated the same on his other arm. He pulled down the sleeves of his hoodie.

"Thanks.." He muttered under his breath. He stuffed his phone and headphones in his pocket before heading downstairs. I could hear our mom screaming his dead name before the front door slammed closed. I walked over to his dresser and sighed. I grabbed the knife, the blood still wet. I quickly washed it in his sink before returning it to the kitchen.

I crashed on to my bed and pulled out my phone. I had a message from Deku.

SmolTree: Is Kacchan okay? He just barged into our house wanting to talk to my mom.

KasSmash: mom was giving him shit again about being trans

SmolTree: Poor Kacchan...

SmolTree: You guys need a new mom

SmolTree: I know!

SmolTree: I'll be your mom!

KasSmash: deku no..

SmolTree: Deku yes

KasSmash: thanks for the offer but it's a no

KasSmash: from both me and katsuki

SmolTree: Fineeee

KasSmash: seeya broccoli nerd

SmolTree: Hey!

I smirked and flipped onto my back only to see my mom standing in the doorway. I turned off my phone and sat up, crossing my legs.

"Where'd your sister go?" She asked with a hint of anger.

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