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HI! I'm Quinn! Thanks for stumbling onto my story! I just want to clarify some things. I'll list them right now.

Trans!Midoriya - Izuku Midoriya was born as a female. Isako Midoriya. From a young age he would tell his mom that he was a boy. His mom listened. Nobody except for his childhood friends, Katsuki and Kasumi, know.

Trans!Bakugo and Twin!Bakugo -  Identical twins Kaori and Kasumi Bakugo were born females. Kaori wasn't a girl. He was a boy and he knew. He first told his sister and Deku who were immediately supportive. They told Inko who helped him tell his parents. His father was extremely supportive. His mother on the other hand... She was straight up transphobic. Katsuki was jealous of Deku's relationship with his mother and took it out on him and Kasumi. His mother wouldn't let him get hormone blockers but his father bought him binders, packers, and loose masculine clothing. He was able to get the male uniform at school without his mother knowing.

Deaf!Bakugo -  When his and Kasumi's quirks developed, their doctors told them they would eventually go deaf from their quirks. The Midoriyas and the Bakugos all learned sign language for them. Katsuki hated it. He didn't want to be different. Over time he developed depression and anxiety. Kasumi tried to support him as much as possible but he didn't want her help. He was rude to Kasumi because she was a source of dysphoria for him since they were biologically identical.

Woo i rambled a lot. If there's anything that's unclear to you please let me know so I can get it sorted out. Also! This story begins a week after the entrance exam (the day they get their letters). Also again! Some characters are really mean in this (like Mitsuki) but just know I love them all very much! Hope you enjoy the story!

A few more things: 

I am not deaf. If I get anything wrong regarding Katsuki and Kasumi's deafness PLEASE let me know. I would like to fix it as soon as possible.

I am trans*. I'm an afab masc non-binary so I know what dysphoria feels like. Please don't try and correct me on anything about being trans. I know what it's like and it's absolute shit. Thanks :)

This story will contain:
- Swearing
- Self-Harm
- Child abuse
- Suicide (thoughts and acts)
- Transphobia
- Homophobia
- Eating Disorders (Anorexia and Bulimia)

If any of these things make you uncomfortable, PLEASE stop reading immediately. Or don't. I don't really have the authority to stop you.

Also a heads up, I have DID so I may not always be able to get a chapter uploaded on time or be able to write with my full capabilities. so please bear with me :)

Now that I've covered everything, Enjoy the story lovelies!


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