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Chan went back and fourth in his mind as he watched the scene in front of him unfold. Jisung had Minho wrapped up in his arms- the blonde crying softly into Jisung's shoulder. Mark stood off to the side still yelling at alex who was trying her hardest to convince the older male that they should just leave.

"I have to get baby Chan out of here" Chan whispered to Changbin. It was too much for the toddler to witness. The poor boy must already be traumatized from his experience already and they didn't need to worsen that. "Wait in the car. The police should be here any minute" Changbin instructed.

Chan nodded his head and quietly slipped outside of the small house. He didn't want to walk away in case something happened, but baby Chan couldn't witness anything more and knowing mark since high school, Chan knows he isn't done.

"Shh baby" Jisung whispered as he softly massaged the older's head. "Does it still hurt?" He asked referring to earlier when Mark had him by the hair. Minho nodded against Jisung's shoulder and whispered quietly "I just want to go home" he whispered as he rubbed his face against the rapper's shoulder.

"We'll be home soon. I love you" Jisung said as he tried to slowly lead Minho towards the door. "Where do you think you're going?" Mark asked with a small smirk on his face. "It's over Mark" Jisung said as he stared at the older with dark eyes.

"I don't think so" mark whispered before reaching into the waistband of his pants and pulling a gun out. "It's not over until Minho is suffering" he continued as he aimed the gun right at Jisung.

"Mark! Stop it" Alex begged as she took a few steps away from the male. "No!" He yelled as he cocked the gun. Jisung pushed Minho into changbin's arms and stood his ground.

"Don't do this Mark. You'll be in prison for life" Jisung said as he held his hands up. Not only that, but if he killed or injured Jisung, the fans would go crazy. Can you imagine having thousands of people in the world hating you.

Mark's life would never be the same, he'd never live this down, never have freedom again, but he didn't care. His hands shook softly as his grip tightened around the gun.

They could all hear the police sirens in the background and Minho's loud sobs. "Mark don't hurt him!" He begged as he tried to get out of changbin's grip "please! I love him so much don't do this!" He yelled as he thrashed in changbin's hold.

"That's why I have to do this" the older said with a small smile "you don't deserve to love or be loved" he said as he placed his hand on the trigger.

Jisung remained calm the whole time. He didn't move, he didn't flinch, he didn't scream or cry, even when the gun went off.

Jisung dropped to the floor with a loud groan. "Jisung!" Minho yelled by that time the cops had came rushing into the house tackling mark to the floor "oh my god Jisung!" Minho yelled as he dropped to his knees.

"Baby?!" He questioned as he put pressure on the wound on the boy's stomach "baby can you hear me? Someone call an ambulance!" He yelled as he tried to get Jisung to focus on him

"Baby don't close your eyes" Minho sobbed when he noticed Jisung's eyes slowly closing "baby please" he begged. Changbin dropped to his knees too wrapping one arm around Minho and placing one hand onto of Minho's bloody hands.

"Jisung open your eyes! You're okay everything is okay" Changbin said as he softly touched the younger's face. Tears slowly streamed down changbin's face as he stared at his basically lifeless friend "Jisung open your eyes" he begged "please Ji" he cried.

Minho sobbed loudly as the cops pulled him away from Jisung's body "the paramedics will be here soon sir please move we have to help him" one of the cops who was holding Minho said

Minho sobbed into the officers arms as he looked at Jisung's lifeless body. Alex and mark where in handcuffs getting escorted out of the house "you bitch!" Minho yelled when mark passed by him "this is all your fault I hope you rot it hell asshole!" He yelled as he freed himself from the officers grip to face mark.

"I fucking hate you!" He cried as he slapped mark across the face "hey!" The officer yelled as he pulled Minho back into his arms "calm down sir" he said as Minho reached out towards mark again

"I'll fucking kill you" he growled as he struggled in the officers arms. "That's my fucking husband someone do something!" He cried

"Minho calm down" Changbin whispered as he pulled the older into a tight hug. Minho's knees gave out and the two fell onto the floor sobbing loudly "he'll be okay" Changbin said, but he didn't really know if Jisung would pull through this. There was so much blood, not to mention he's unresponsive.

"He's always okay" he tried to comfort as officers pulled the two boys to their feet and escorted them out of the house so the paramedics could help Jisung

When Minho saw Chan he ran into the older arms- collapsing against his body "he killed him" he cried into Chan's shoulder. "He killed my husband!" He cried out as Chan held onto him tightly.

Chan tried not to cry, he tried to stay strong for Minho, but when he saw the paramedics pushing Jisung's body out of the house he broke down into tears

San- uhhh I know this is sad but! I dropped a new one shot book called never ending story. Please check her out!

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