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It had been two days since the incident and Minho hasn't been the same. The blonde hadn't said much to Jisung in the last two days, the only time he said anything was to ask Jisung to hold him, or to ask for Chan. Speaking of which Chan has been staying with Woojeongchan for the last two days, and Jisung wanted nothing more than to bring his baby home, but was that a smart idea?

It wasn't that Minho was mad at the toddler, that was the exact opposite, the blonde missed his son dearly, but Jisung didn't know if he could take care of Chan and Minho at the same time right now. The older didn't let Jisung stray too far away from him. If Jisung was gone for more than five minutes Minho would panic and start crying, he'd clung to Jisung like a terrified child for the last two days and he had no idea how to help his husband.

The dark haired male was so confused, Minho was acting like the incident with Mark had happened only yesterday, when in reality it had been years. Minho was terrified and Jisung had never seen the older this way. He figured it was because Minho pushed everything that happened to the back of his mind, he never went through the process of truly healing from that night, and that's why he must be acting this way now.

He was reminded of how much pain he went through and how terrified he truly was that night, and now he's dealing with those feelings and emotions all at once. Currently he had his head laid on Jisung's chest, one hand clutched to the younger's shirt tightly and the other slipped underneath it running his finger's along Jisung's warm skin. He craved the warmth radiating off Jisung and refused to let his safe haven leave him. He had to be touching Jisung at all times, it's almost as if he's afraid if he can't touch him then he's not there- like he's not real.

"Baby everything is okay" Jisung whispered quietly into Minho soft hair. "Remember what you told me?" He questioned- hoping to get some sort of response but was only met with silence. The only sound Minho made was his soft breathing. "We're married, we have a beautiful son, a nice house, amazing careers. You don't need to think about the past anymore" he said repeating the words Minho had said to him weeks before.

Minho stopped stroking Jisung's skin. Instead he titled his head up to look at his husband who looked down at him with the most sincere and caring look in his eyes. Tears were threatening to spill over Minho's eyes as he took in everything that was his amazing and loving husband.

"I'm sorry" he finally said- his voice was hoarse and rough after days of not using it properly, but nevertheless Jisung smiled brightly after hearing his husband finally say something. He wiped away the tears that slowly rolled down Minho's cheeks before placing a soft kiss on his forehead "You don't need to be sorry baby. I know how hard it is to deal with something like that. I'm here if you need me and I'd never let anyone hurt you. You should know this" he said as he brushed back the stray hairs that fell over Minho's eyes.

Minho nodded slowly at his words as he took a few deep breaths, the feeling of fear and dread still flowed through his veins like a bad drug, but he had nothing to fear anymore. Jisung was by his side and the man who caused him so much unbearable pain was locked up still. The memories that crashed over his mind like a harsh wave were just that- memories. Old, old, horrible memories, but no one was going to hurt him again. He didn't need to be scared, of course the fear would stay with him for awhile and he's sure that he still won't let Jisung leave the house without him for a few days either, but he was going to be okay. He can over come it, just like he did with every obstacle in his life, and it's so much better with Jisung by his side.

"I'm ready to see Chan. I'm okay" he whispered while stretching his neck up a bit to kiss Jisung's lips softly. The position was awkward and he might be kissing more of the side of his mouth instead of his lips, but that didn't matter. Especially when he felt Jisung smile against his lips.

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