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While Alex was distracted and Chan was fast asleep Minho was busy quietly untying his bound feet. The knots were tight and almost impossible to get off but so far he managed to free one leg without getting caught.

On the other side of the door stood Mark who was still looking out the small peep hole wondering if he should open the door or not. "Shit" he mumbled to himself as he gripped the door knob tightly. "I swear to god" he continued as he yanked the door open.

"Hi this is for Minho" Jisung spoke before taking a swing at Mark- hitting the older right in the face "and this is for my son" he said as he kicked the stunned man in the stomach. He thanked god in his head for all those gym sessions with Chan and Changbin, he was strong before but now he had more strength. Chan and Changbin finally noticed Jisung missing and quickly ran to the young rapper's side.

"Jisung! You can't just punch him. We don't even know if Minho is here" Chan argued as he pulled Jisung back who was ready to take another swing at the man who was trying to catch his breath. "Let me go hyung" Jisung argued as he pulled out of Chan's grasp.

"Where is my husband?" Jisung asked as he grabbed Mark by the collar of his shirt. "We don't have to fight again. Make this easy" he whispered as he stared Mark in the eyes.

Mark shrugged his shoulders and smiled at Jisung in a sick way, "I have no idea what you're talking about" he answered with another shrug of his shoulders. "Oh fuck this" Jisung mumbled before slamming Mark's body against the door frame.

"Minho! Chan!" Jisung yelled loudly hoping to hear some sort of response from either his son or his husband, but it was dead silent. "See I told you. Have no idea what you're talking about" Mark spoke after a few moments of silence.

Minho would never place his hands on a woman, never in his life, despite how bitchy his mom was in the end, she taught the blonde better. He struggled to pull Alex's hand off his mouth and also balance baby Chan in his lap.

Minho would never hit a woman, but does he really have a choice at this point? His thoughts were racing as he yanked at Alex's hand that was clasped around his mouth tightly "don't make a sound!" She spat.

He could hear his husband outside calling for him, he wanted so badly to scream out for him. Tell him he's right here and that their son is perfectly okay- not a scratch on him, but instead there's a nasty hand across his mouth.

He called out to Jisung, but all that was heard was muffled sounds. How did he always find himself in these situations- with someone's hand across his mouth telling him to be quiet. It's happened too many times in his life and quite frankly he's sick on it.

"Stop struggling or else you'll drop your precious son" she whispered into Minho's ear but the blonde wasn't paying attention anymore. He was trying to figure out how to get out of this situation without putting his hands on Alex.

Finally an idea popped in his head, he opened his mouth to speak but instead bit down on Alex's hand as hard as he could. "Fuck!" She yelled as she pulled away from Minho to cradled her throbbing hand.

Minho laughed in victory before smiling at Alex "Jisung! I'm in here!" He yelled loudly. Loud enough that it scared the sleeping baby in his lap. Chan woke up with a start and wailed loudly "dada!" He cried "keep it up baby let daddy hear you" Minho encouraged as he finally stood up from the chair and backed away from Alex.

"When did you untie your legs?" She asked as she looked at Minho shocked. "That doesn't matter just let us out" Minho said as stared at the door she was currently standing in front of "Minho! Baby!" He could hear Jisung's cries from the other side of the door

"Let me out and we won't press charges. Stalking, breaking and entering, kidnapping, holding me hostage. We'll drop it all, let you and mark go freely to live your life together" Minho said trying his hardest to convince the girl.

To Alex that sounded great. All she ever wanted was a life with Mark. Ever since they started going out back in the day, but she always hated Minho. No matter what, where, or who Mark was with Minho was always in the back of his mind. Not to mention she WAS the girl Mark was cheating on Minho with. She had to stand by everyday and watch the man she loved walk away to another man and she hated it.

If Minho was willing to let them go scot-free, she would take it, anything to finally be with Mark and not have it be about Minho. She weighed the options in her head, going back and fourth over and over again until she finally stepped away from the door. "If it means I can be with Mark finally then go ahead" she whispered as she gestured towards the door.

Minho took cautious steps towards her- never taking his eyes off of Alex. He expected her to stop him when he reached out for the door handle, but she only backed away more. Minho quickly unlocked the door and swung it open "jisungie!" He called out when he finally saw his husband, who still had mark pinned against the wall

"What the fuck Alex!" Mark yelled as he forcefully shoved Jisung off of him causing the younger to topple over into Chan and Changbin. "You had one fucking job!" He yelled as he stormed towards Minho grabbing the younger by his hair.

Minho's grip tightened on his crying son as he whimpered in pain "let him go!" Changbin yelled "the cops will be here any minute!" Chan added as he quickly scurried to Mark to try and pull his hand out of Minho's hair.

Mark's grip was tight, so tight it had Minho tearing up "g-grab the baby!" He stuttered out to Chan who was quick to oblige. Chan pulled baby Chan out of Minho's arms and quickly went back to where he was standing before.

This time it was Changbin who ran to Minho's side "let go of him!" He yelled as he shoved mark back- pushing the older into Jisung who was making his way over to beat the older man's ass. Jisung didn't want to fight, he didn't want a repeat of last time "Mark let's just go" Alex said as she stepped closer to him.

"Minho will let us go. Let's just do it, before the police arrive" she said. She tried her hardest to convince mark to go, but the whole reason why he came back was to ruin Minho's perfect life and he wasn't going to let anyone mess it up this time.

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