Chapter 61: Enemy

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"Wow..." Harmony said slowly. "That takes commitment." She turned to Mandy and said, "You know, we never really talked but... I've got to say, I really admire you moving to Lima for Sam. I don't think I could've done that."

"Well, you kind of did," Marley shrugged. "I mean, not for a guy but for your career and your future. You moved to Lima for the New Directions. That must've been hard."

"Not really," Harmony sighed. "Except maybe knowing I wouldn't become the star of the group, though that didn't keep me from trying. But other than that... I didn't have many friends or boyfriends or anything to leave behind."

"What about now?" Mandy asked her, empathizing with her tale. "I see you've made friends in the glee club but... You seeing anyone?"

"I dated someone but it didn't work out," Harmony explained. "And then... I did sort of start liking someone else but... He's turning out to be less and less of what I was hoping for. And he has a girlfriend." 

"Ugh," the girls groaned in unison, knowing that was one of the biggest obstacles in dating.

"Who is cheating on him, by the way!" Harmony exclaimed. "And he knows, but he's playing some game right now. And I don't know if it's... desperation or—I don't know—vengance or something... But it's really helping the disillusionment of my crush."

"You don't need someone like that," Julie shook her head at her. "Whoever he is, he can't be worth your time. Besides, you're going to NYADA or Juilliard or somewhere that's going to make you bigger and brighter than you already are. You have an amazing talent and a big heart. Some guy isn't going to take that away."

"Yeah," Marley nodded. "You know, I've always admired your confidence on-stage. You're so brave and bold."

"Not to mention beautiful," Mandy nodded, making Harmony smile as this was coming from someone whose looks were unbelievable. "Seriously, your eyes are gorgeous and your hair is so dark and lucious..."

"And you're annoying," Bree spoke up. "But only because you have so much more to say than the rest of us. Which isn't a bad thing. At all."

"Aww," Harmony gushed. "You all are making me blush!"

"No, this is good," Marley nodded excitedly. "We're already stuck here so we may as well have some good come of it. Let's do Bree next. Bree, we had a rough start. More than rough, you took my boyfriend, sort of. But... In doing so, you did more for him and his personal growth than I ever could have. I think that's true for everyone you spend time with. They just become better people."

"Yeah," Harmony nodded. "When I met Joe he was shy and too modest for his own good. Now he's unafraid to go after what he wants."

"You're outspoken, from what I've seen," Mandy added. "It takes courage to stand up to people, especially your friends."

"And without you, I'd probably still think I wasn't good enough," Julie said, surprising Bree. She had expected this exercise to backfire when it got to her after how much they'd fought, but Julie earnestly said, "Marley's right. You bring out the best in people, even when you or they are at their worst. And you've never left a friend behind. You were right, I... I should've stood up for us before Regionals. Even if I didn't agree, it was still something you asked me to do and I should've come through."

Bree sighed and shook her head. "No, I was wrong," Bree shook her head. "It was never about the stupid solos... I guess I just started to feel alienated from everyone else and after what I'd been through with the musical, I was afraid of being singled out. And it was the same for Kitty. Sorry we took it out on you. You're just so talented and so much kinder and good things always seem to happen to you. All the bad things... You didn't bring any of them onto yourself; you never do. You're a great person, Julie."

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