Boba Fett x Blind reader.

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(boba pv)

Ithor, quite desolate besides the animle's, plants and stuff. The undergrowth rustled as a I walked through the busy forest. I had decided to take refuge on this planet for a while, long story short a bounty hunt whent wrong. So here I am trying to find a safe place for the night. A sudden yelp not far from my right made me freeze. My bounty Hunter mode kicked in, as I slowly made my way to the sound.

(Y/n) pv.

"Kriff!" A curse slipped out of your lips as you tripped over a root landing hard on the ground. An annoyed Huff left your lips. Before you could stand a sudden voice made you jump.

" Stay where you are!" The voice sounded male.

" I can't really go anywhere !" You snapped back your snippy side rising to the surface.

"Watch it!" The voice sounded muffeld like he had a helmet on.

" Who..are you?' you asked unsure of what to do.

" You mean you don't know who I am?!" The man sounded genuinely surprised.

" N-no.." 'well..I mean I have nothing to lose.' you though. " I've been on this planet for 5 years. "

A sudden I take of breath could be heard from the man.

" The names Boba Fett. Bounty Hunter."

"I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm not worthy of a bounty!" You bitterly laughed thinking that the Jedi sent him to kill you.

" I'm not here for you." Boba bluntly said.

Getting tired of sitting on the ground you stood up and brushed off your pants.
" Well that's a relief then."

" Oy! I didn't say you could stand!" Boba growled the sound of a blaster loading filled my ears.

My breath hitched but my snippy side refused to back down.

" Look I don't care who you are but the ground is wet! And I want to get home to eat!" You walked forward stumbling over the uneven ground. If boba wanted to shoot me fine! You don't really have anything to live for.

" Don't turn your back on me!" Boba shouted. But you just ingnord him, his foot steps could be heard behind you.
' I guess he's fallowing me.. whatever'

*Time skip*

You walked into a small cave, dumping your bag of newly picked food with the rest of it and ploped down onto your makeshift bed of leaves and furs. The fire was still going so the cave was pretty warm. You heard boba walk in after you.

" You live here?" He asked after a while of silence.

" Where did you think I lived?!" You snapped.

Boba sighed, you felt the bed shift as he sat next to you.
" Why did you think I was here for you?!" Boba asked.

You tensed but let your shoulders slump forward.. you didn't care anymore.

" I'm. Or was a Jedi."

Boba pv.

"What?!" I shouted. The poor girl flinched at my sudden change.

" Why are you here! " I asked a little calmer.

" I-i was kicked out.... " She wispered.

For some reason I was a little annoyed she hadn't looked at me when she spoke.

" Look at me when you speak!" I snapped before realizing what I just said.

". I..I can't " the girl shuffled away from me a little.

" Why not?!" Now i was just curious.

" I'm blind."

It all just struck me. Of course!
' man poor girl...she doesn't look that old
.maybe 4 years younger the me.. and she got kicked out because she can't see?!'

" I ment no affence." I gently placed my hand in her shoulder.

" The names (y/n) ." She wiped a tear away from her eyes.

" Mind if I stay for while?" For some reason I didn't want to leave her.

" Of course...theirs not much but make yourself comfurtable." She smiled at my detection.

I couldn't help but smile under my helmet.

I felt perfective of (y/n) and I don't know why but what ever it is she's not staying on this planet alone...I'm going to bring her with me.

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