Chapter 2: Loss

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Blaire's P.O.V

"..Josh-" I read the first file but then immediately threw it down to read the next one. "-Emily.." My mother, Oh god no!.

"W-where's D-david?" I asked letting myself breakdown and cry not thinking what they thought of me. "I can take you to him." The nurse said amd I shook my head and wiped my tears away. He turned the wheelchair and headed the opposite way we came.

I can't breathe, it feels like someone is choking me and hitting my chest. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore when we entered a big spacious room with almost 27 machines attached to him. He was asleep.

"He hasn't woken up since we brought him here, he's been in a coma for almost a week now." He informed me and I stood up gripping David's bed for support, I bent my back and laid my head on his chest.

He was always overprotective but he meant well and he was the only father figure I grew up with seeing as my real father went to jail when I was 4.

My mother never allowed me to visit him, she broke up their marriage and I was devastated for years, until she met David when I was 15. He made my brother and I so happy and made us feel safe and happy.

I slowly stopped crying when my head started pounding lightly. I knew crying made my eyes swell. My chest hurt so bad, everything felt so empty and lonely. I was scared and alone. I needed to see my family. I didn't get to say goodbye!

How could he just take them from me! What did I do to deserve this pain and heartache!

"Miss Blaire are you okay?" The nurse softly said and helped me back in my wheelchair. I needed fresh air, I felt like throwing up. I needed water. My throat was burning and itching.  I needed my mother and brother and David.

"W-water please." I asked so soft that he almost didn't hear me. He grabbed the glass and poured the jug water into the glass and gave it to me. "Can I-i get dressed into my clothes please, I-I had a bag in the c-car." I said and hicupped again for air. He looked down and then looked at me. "Miss Blaire your parents car blew up in flames right after we got you out."

I nodded and he pushed me back to the room I awoke in. He helped me onto the bed and went to the closet across my bed. I took my time to try calm down and get my breathe together. When he came back I didn't feel better but I also didn't feel worse.

He layed a pile of clothes next to me, it seemed of guy clothes. "W-whose are t-these?" I asked him and he told me it was an old pair of his clothes that he forgot here a while back. He then helped me into the bathroom and told me if I needed anything I can just press the button on the side of the bed then left.

I held onto the sink and looked into the small circular mirror infront of me. I didn't recognise the girl staring back at me, her hair was messy and dirty, her once beautiful dark brown woody eyes now the brown of a swamp. Her face pale with a few scratches and 6 stitches on her head to her eyebrow.

I slowly walked to the bathtub and started running the water. I sat on the toilet seat and took of my hospital gown and started taking off the bandages around my waist. Some parts of it hurt like hell because the dried blood made it stick to my skin.

After unwrapping all of it. The bathtub was full and before getting in I stared at my side. There was a total of 35 stitches stook out like a unwanted splinter.

I slowly climbed in the bathtub, screaming and hissing as the water cleared my wounds. I knew it helped but I couldn't help crying ad it stung and burned. After a good bit of time the pain faded away and I took the washcloth and washed myself and cleaned around the wounds and stitches.

I got the new bandages and wraps. I placed a bandaid on my forehead yo my eyebrow. The stitches on my waist were difficult to wrap and keep secure but I managed to get it on and keep it there.

I finished about 30 minutes later, finished and dressed. The docter gave me a cream I have to put on the stitches after every bath or shower of swim. I looked at myself in the mirror again. Noticing a small bit of my old self again.

My brown eyes still looking lost and broken. My hair was cleaned and soft even though it was wet. My skin became a little more caramel and the pale skin disappearing slowly. The big hoodie and sweatpants fitted me okay.

The hoodie was too big but comfy, warm and light, the sweatpants tied just underneath my stiches. I randomly got nauseated and I threw. Quickly after I realised that my stomach has been growling insanely loud and a lot. I was way too lost in my thoughts and the sad and empty feeling to notice that I was hungry.

I laid in bed and I searched for the call button, finding it under my pillow. I studied the small rectangular remote and noticed I can move my bed. I let my bottom part of my bed go down abit and upper part of the bed also go down a tad until it was almost flat.

Just as I laid down comfortably the nurse came in with a plate of yummy food. A big sandwich with a cup of jelly and a big salad on the side. With a small glass of orange juice. I could feel me mouth watering for the food.

I waited till he put it down infront of me. "Thank you so much for everything Docter-..."

"Leo, I'm not a Docter I'm an nurse." He said with a light chuckle and small smile. Oh... that smile....

" Leo. Thank you again for everything you've done for me and David." I said tears welling up in my eyes. He gave me a genuine smile this time showing his pearly white teeth.

"It's what I do sweetie." He said and wiped my tears away. I choked them back and looked at the food again wanting to grab it all like an animal but I waited patiently. "It looks do delicious." I said staring at the food like I've ate a week ago. "Hope you enjoy sweetie. Goodnight, see you tomorrow." He said and turned to leave. I greeted him back and just ad he walked out I jumped to the food.

I ate the jelly and let my mind wander around freely. I thought about the future and what was happening outside. After struggling a lot with the small television I finally got it to play the news. I know a 17 year old watching news sounds lame. The weather lady said that there is a massive and dangerous storm headed towards us and if we are lucky no hailstorm or earthquake.

I fell asleep shortly after eating, I had a nightmare about the accident, in my nightmare before the car crashed I was awoken rougly by someone shaking my shoulders. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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