Chapter 6

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(*cough* I'm back.......again)

Your POV
'Gosh this is so boring' I look over at Izuku 'wow he's going all fan boy' "(y/n) look it's Present Mic!" Izuku said "will you just shut up" Katsuki said "ah hush Kacchan let him be" I said "Heyyyyyy everybody" yelled present mic. silence. "Wow tough crowd" Mic said "Are y'all ready Yeaaaa" he yelled. Again silence "ok then let's start, as you can see on the screen these are the 3 main bosses you need to defeat they are each worth different points. There's 1,2,and 3. Your goal is to destroy as many as possible and score the top amount of points." He said "excuse me" and kid that sat behind us said "yess?" Mic responded "on the sheet it shows that there are 4 bosses, if this was a mistake then that would surely discredit UA and you with the curly green hair will you stop your mumbling it's quite distracting to the rest of us- " "hey leave Izuku alone I'm sorry that you where more distracted by him instead of pay attention like a good person and not call him out now I'll you kindly sit down" he got cut off by you "I'm sorry for my outburst I was merely defending my friend  please continue" I said "anyway t he forth boss is with 0 points an obstacle that you should avoid" Mic said "ah sorry my mistake, and I am sorry for calling you out" I smiled in satisfactory, "thank you (y/n) -Chan" Izuku whispered to me "your welcome Izu" I whispered back " take a look at the cards you where given they should show your respective arenas to battle in. That should be it are you ready to battle your way to victory!" Mic continued, we all got up and left to our respective arenas
~Time skip~
'Man I'm not with Kacchan or Izu' I thought sadly, suddenly a kid with yellow hair with a black lightning bold appeared in front of you "hey hot stuff  what's your name?"he said, I just gave him an annoyed stare "the names (y/n)" I said "y/n huh that's a pretty name for a pretty girl" he said with a wink "gee thanks"  just then the speaker blares "there's no countdown for fighting Go! Go! Go!" The speaker shouted it was clearly Present Mic, I immediately actives my quirk and took off in front of everyone, I spotted a robot '2 points' I thought while destroying it at lighting speed 'Alright let's do this' I said while cracking my fingers
~time skip~
(sorry I'm not good at fight scenes)
'Finally it's over' I said laying face first on the ground 'I'm just being dramatic who am I kidding' I slowly peel myself off the ground and deactivate my quirk 'guess I'll figure out how I did next week' I walk out of the arena and meet up with kacchan "wheres Izu" I asked "how the hell am I supposed to know?" Kacchan responded "geez sorry grumpy pants" I said back and began walking "tch" was all he said as we continued our way to my house "why you following me?" I asked "what I can't hang out with you?"  "I guess your right" we arrived at my house and opened then door to find-

Ha cliffhangers always suck but then again so do so I'm sorry this chapter is short I'll write another one when I can which should be in like 2 days maybe 3 idk anyways hope you enjoy this chapter byeeee
(600 words)

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