Once the voice mail was over I couldn't stop feeling guilt for what happened to D'andre. Valeria was right. I do feel like trash. Like the trashiest trash you could ever imagine, and that's why I've decided to cut D'andre off.

Yes. I'm cutting him off. I know you might be thinking, "Jaylen what the f*** are you thinking", but I honestly, truthfully and genuinely believe that if I were to cut him off he would be in less danger.

And that's that.


"Libby's beach front diner." I said to myself as I saw the giant sign in front of me.

If I remember correctly, which I do. This was the place were D'andre and I met each other for the first time. I had such a small, innocent crush on him, and now we out here getting ourselves into the most beautiful and awkward situations.

Just thinking about that day, all the other days and him in general makes me hate myself even more for what I'm about to do.

Cutting him off is such a stupid thing to do, but it's also the safer way of handling things. I might sound like I'm crazy or being overly dramatic, but I think it's best if I just keep away from him.

The little bell on top of the door rang as I entered the very colourful diner. It looked identical to the ones u see in those 80s retro movies. It had the classic pink checkered wallpaper, a bar with circle turn stools, waitresses with giant skirts and roller skates, a menu with roughly 200 similar items, good food, phenomenal milkshakes, a giant jukebox and a table of stoned teenagers.

I could see Aniyah and Kiana sitting by a table right by the large window, and Valeria flirting with the waitress dude. I walked over to the table and greeted everyone with a smile and a hug.

Valeria finally joined us and we all made our orders. We all got the exact same thing. An extra large cheese burger, fries and a large milkshake.

"Oh, I heard about what happened at the party yesterday once kiana and I left." Aniyah said, making me feel super guilty, but I know she didn't mean to make me feel that way.

"You did?" I asked with a worried look on my face. "We both did. Val told us." She said. I really didn't mind Valeria telling them or them knowing, cause they are my friends and I trust them. The only thing that worried me was if anyone else knew.

"So, how's D'andre holding up?" Aniyah asked with concern. I didn't want to think or talk about him cause all that did was make me feel bad, but I have no choice now.

"I don't think I'm the right person to be asked that question, so I believe it's best if you ask D'andre instead. But I'm sure he's fine, judging by all his texts." I answered, hoping that this topic would end here, but I guess I hoped too soon.

"What did he say?" Valeria asked.
"Did you answer?" Kiana followed.
"Did he sound sad?" Valeria added.
"Tell us." Kiana said.

"Woah girls. Don't push him too much. He'll answer at his own time." Aniyah said and the girls sat and waited for me to tell them some relieving story, but the only books I had to offer were the ones that don't end well.

"I didn't reply to any of his texts." I said making Valeria fall of the side of her seat. Kiana's face was stuck on one expression that said so much but so little at the same time. You couldn't tell if she was shocked or disappointed. Aniyah's eyes went wide open once I replied to their questions.

I didn't understand why they were making such a big deal out of this, but at the same time I did, cause it's them and they're super dramatic.

"You need to answer them before he gets the wrong idea and thinks you're ignoring him." Aniyah suggested, but I'm completely okay with that.

"What if that's the idea I'm trying to give off." I said and Valeria began breathing heavily.

"Why would you do that." Kiana asked

"Cause I want nothing to do with him." I admitted and Valeria looked as if she was slowly dying from loss of breathe.

"I'm cutting him off."

"You're joking, you aren't serious." Valeria said as she stood up from the floor, trying her best to convince herself that I was joking, but I was very serious.

Aniyah then took my hand and looked me directly in the eyes, "Jaylen are you sure that's what you really want?". "Don't you think you're being a tad to extreme." She asked.

"I'm not doing this because it's what I want. I'm doing it because it's what's best for the both of us. It might seem dramatic, but it is what it is, and I'm sorry if y'all don't agree." I voiced.

"Jaylen." Kiana said in a firm manner.

"Stop being such a drama queen and listen to yourself. You're stressing over something so little. Don't just decide that you're going to cut the poor guy off. At least talk to him first before making such decisions."

I sat and thought about what she said, and it was actually true. I was being a bit too over the top with this whole situation. I tend to do that a lot, and I'm thankful I have friends like these to put me in my place.

"Yeah you're right. I think I-"

"Oh my gosh look!!!!!!!!" Valeria scram, interrupting my moment.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Hope you enjoyed!!!

This chapter was very weird, I know. I did not like it, but whatever. Hope u did.


Can u try guess what Val saw


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