I barely had a moment to think before the front door opened. My mom and dad came out to see me on the ground in a guys arms. That must have not looked great.

"Ryder..you can leave now." My dad said, his presence and tone was enough to send Ryder on his way. He let go of me, still looking shocked as he walked away. As he walked off, I noticed the group of guys I apparently "took down" running off into the distance.

"Leiana, what happened? Why are those guys running away? Why was Ryder here?" My dad questioned me. I felt him looking at me intensely, like he was trying to read my mind.

"Dad, it was nothing..Leo and his friends were being idiots so I scared them off. It's fine. I'm fine." I stood up, not looking him in the eyes. I know he could find out what actually happened if he wanted. But I didn't want to give him the chance. I didn't even know what really happened.

When I finally looked up at both of them, my mom was standing next to my dad, her hand was on his arm. She looked worried, I hate when she worries about me. I walked towards them, kissing them both on the cheek.

"I love you both lots, trust me...I took care of it" I turned away from them and walked inside. I took a deep breath, what just happened? It took me a minute to process this, how did I go to kissing a boy on a mountain to taking down four guys with the force? This was all too much. This changes everything. I walked to my room, needing to get some rest.

If what Ryder said actually happened..what do I do now?
I watched as our daughter walked into the house. The ground was a mess, plants were pulled out of the ground and rocks were thrown out of place. What happened here?

I looked at Ben, his brows furrowed in worry. I knew he was thinking the same thing.

"Ben..honey, I think something bad happened here. I felt something...a disturbance I haven't felt since Exegol. What if..you were right about Leiana."

Ben took a deep breath.

"Fuck, you are right. Something is wrong. I think our daughter did this..made this mess. But how? How could she have done this much damage without...without the force."

We looked at eachother, we weren't stupid. We knew what was wrong with her. But it was hard to fathom, our 17 year old daughter who has never shown signs of the force..may be sensitive to it after all.

Ben let go of my hand and started pacing. He was spiraling.

"How...how could we have missed this? She was not responsive to training when she was a child and her midichlorian levels were almost non existent. How could we have missed this Rey..."

"We didn't know.."

"But we should have! She is our kid, we should know when there is something like this happening to her." He rubbed his face in frustration.

I looked at him, my heart was breaking. I thought we had worked through this, this stage of worry where we were wondering if we were good enough parents. This had just reopened a whole box of problems I thought we had packed away.

"Darling..the idea of our daughter going through this is terrifying. The fact that we missed this is breaking my heart. But..we also have to know that this is 100 times more scary for her. We have to give her time, time to tell us and confide in us. I know she will, the best we can do is be there for her. Ben..we can't force her to accept our help, she has to ask for it." I hugged him. I felt him hold me and I could stay like this forever.

"..Okay" He said, his voice muffled from his face buried in my neck.

"I love you Ben"

"I love you too Rey, through it all."

We stood there, holding eachother for a couple more minutes before heading inside.

That night we couldn't sleep, we just laid in silence. Our minds running with a million thoughts and what-ifs. This was going to be more difficult than we thought.

adam driver is so hot...that's all

Hope you guys enjoyed this ~dramatic~ chapter!


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