Chapter 48

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Cheryl's P.O.V

Oh great , this is just what I need right now I thought looking up at Ashley’s smug face, although if I’m honest, he looked quite scared and he wasn’t looking at me either, he was looking directly at Kim and she was glaring right back at him.The tension between them could be cut with a knife right now and I had no idea where it was all going to go. Ashley’s lips parted as though he was going to speak but He was quickly cut of by Kimberley who had quickly decided she didn’t want to hear what he had to say.

“I have a camera in my bag if you wanna take a picture? it might save you the trouble of having to stand here and stare all day” Ashley’s eyes widened at her words and he never looked more vulnerable in all the years I had known him them he did in that moment.

“I-ehm-Sorry” he stuttered

“It’s fine, I’ll watch my feet next time” I said trying to defuse the tension, I gave him a quick smile and dragged Kimberley away and out into the parking lott. She threw all the bags into the boot of the car and slammed it shut, obviously annoyed from seeing him.

“Are you alright?” I asked getting into the car 

“Yeah, I just, just seeing his face makes my blood boil” She said, she looked more upset than angry but I guess it’s one of those moments when you’re so angry it ca make you want to cry.

“Just forget him, in any case it was me he went to him remember” I said and her head snapped around to face me.

“yeah you don’t need to remind me” she snapped


“No it’s ok, I’m sorry, we just dont need to talk about that, it’s over, he’s always made me angry in a way that nobody ever could”

“I know I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that” 

“It’s ok, let’s just forget it now, in just a few hours we’ll be on our way to the Paris and I’m not letting nothing spoil my mood and especially not him!” she smiled and started the car, I rested my hand on her thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze and she just looked at me with that knowing look that she knew I was trying to comfort her.

I turned the radio on as we headed home only for it to be turned off immediately by kimberley.She turned to look at me, a serious look in her eyes and suddenly I felt like a child getting in trouble for writing on the walls.


“I just want to clarify something” she said seriously

“that being?”

“When we go to disneyland..” she smirked and I instantly relaxed knowing she wasn’t being serious.


“I am not and I repeat NOT, wearing Mickey Mouse ears and painting my face!” 



“Don’t be stupid would! Wearing Mickey Mouse ears is stupid!” I said and she looked at me confused.

“We’d obviously get Minnie Mouse ones with the bow cause we’re women!” I smiled and she threw her head back in laughter, I loved that laugh.

“You are such a big kid!”

“I know and I also happen to know that you find it adorable” I smirked

“and who might have told you that?”

Chim - Give your heart a breakDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora