Chapter 3

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Paul's POV

I woke up suddenly hearing knocking on the front door. I looked at the alarm close,it was about five in the morning. What the hell? I got up,hearing the knocking get louder. I put a robe on going downstairs,I opened the door to see a police officer holding my daughter,who was scowling at the officer. "Sir is this your daughter?" I nodded,"yes. Yes she is,why are you escorting her home?" He looked at her,"well I found her breaking into a liquor store." I gasped and pulled her inside,"Thank you officer." He smiled,"your welcome sir,goodnight." I heard voices from behind me and saw the boys and Caroline,much to my dismay. I looked at her,"why the hell would you try to break into a liquor store?!" She shrugged,"I was thirsty and I had no money." I gasped,"you are two young to be drinking!" She laughed,"I've been drinking since I was thirteen." I sighed,"just go to bed Raven." She smirked,"gladly." She walked upstairs,her combat boots,smacking against the floor. She walked upstairs,"night Niall." She winked at him,smirking. She walked away,leaving Niall shaking and Liam,had to hug him to get him to stop. Harry glared after her and making me sigh. Louis looked at me,"what just happened." I rubbed my face,"nothing boys just go back to sleep."

Raven's POV

I took off my shirt and jeans hopping into bed and slowly falling asleep to the wonderful noises of Harry and caroline going at it like two apes in a zoo.

-time skip-

I woke up to the smells of breakfast and obnoxious laughter from downstairs. I got up going to the bathroom and walking downstairs. I groaned softly,having a small headache when I heard a pan drop on the floor. I walked to the fridge opening it and grabbing a beer. I popped it open,taking a swig and walking back upstairs. Someone bumped into me,making me drop the beer,"dammit realy?" I found a dustpand and towel,wiping the liquid up and sweeping up the broken glass. Stepping on broken glass is not funny at all. I threw the glass away,rolling my voice when Caroline walked in from upstairs,"oh Harry last night was amazing." I rolled my eyes,"you two sounded like apes going at it for two bananas." I heard Niall choke on laughter which made me smile. Caroline rolled her eyes walking into the kitchen. I sat down at the table,taking a piece of french toast off of Niall's plate,eating it. Louis looked at me,"I wouldn't eat anything off of Niall's plate,he's really protective about his food." I chuckled,taking another piece. Niall glared at me,which I returned with a middle finger. Harry looked at me,"would you kindly stop stealing Niall's food and put some clothes on." I smirked,"first tell me something I want to know." He nodded,"what do you want to know?" I bit my bottom lip,"how many wrinkles have you found on Caroline while you're fucking her?" Danielle dropped empty cup,while everyone's mouth dropped. Harry growled,"shut up." I laughed,"or wait wait how many times has her dentures fallen out." I could see him gripping the table. I looked at him,"how much money have you had to spend on botox to hide those wrinkles." He slammed his hands on the table,"shut up!" I took another bite of my french toast,wrapping my arm around Nialls shoulders,"morning Irish." He looked down,"m-morning Raven." I chuckled wiping my sticky fingers on his cheek,then llicking it off slowly. He gulped,"w-what are you doing R-Raven?" I smirked,licking his cheek again,"licking the syrup off." I pet his hair,pulling back. I sat down in my chair,then stood up,messing with Niall's hair once more before walking back upstairs. I went into my room brushing my teeth and hair and putting on a set of clothes. I walked onto the balcony,having a smoke when I heard someone behind me. I took a long drag making a circle of smoke. I heard some girly voices and turned seeing danielle and Eleanor. I took another puff,breathing in the smoke. Danielle looked at me smiling,"Hi raven,umm EL and I were wondering if you wanted to come shopping with us today?" I shook my head,"no thanks,just going to hang out around here." They started pouting,"but you'll go meet some guys and maybe get some new clothes,we noticed that you don't have much with you." I looked at them,"I don't have any money." Danielle smiled,"we'll borrow some money from paul!" I nodded,putting out my ciggarette,"Okay. I'll go." I walked inside,putting on some deoderant,walking downstairs. I started to walk towards the door when I heard daddy dearest,"Raven where are you going?" I looked,"to the mall. Danielle and Eleanor wanted to bring me,but I have no cash." He took out his wallet handing me some money,I saw that it was two hundred,I wasn't surprised I've seen more money from the drug deals mom made me do. I grabbed the cash,putting it in my pocket. I turned around walking to the door when I heard Caroline,"aren't you going to say thankyou? Rude much?" I smiled nicely,"aren't you going to get more botox today? Plastic much?" I opened the door following the girls to a limo,niiiice. I hopped in not bothering to buckle. Danielle smiled,"So Raven tell us about yourself!" I looked out the window,"not much to tell,I'm just another face on the street." I heard them laugh,"no your not silly! You're really pretty." I chuckled,"thanks." They were chatting about some fashion show coming up the whole time so I just pulled out my flask,taking a sip. See this is my lucky flask,when I drink from it, everything happens to go right. It's black with silver studs that say Fuck Off. One of my mom's ex-boyfriends gave it to me as a pity-party gift. Taking a gulp of Vodka,my poison of choice. We arrived and I hopped out,ignoring some stares. Danielle and Eleanor had walked off towards a store called Lush or some shit like that. Sighing I looked at the diectory heading off to Sephora just to get some cheap makeup,if they had any. I walked in grabbing some black eyeliner,lipstick, and eyeshadow. The essentials for my face. I saw a piercing station nearbye and walked over looking at some of the things. Hmmm I've always wanted a tongue piercing so here we go. I talked to the guy,picking out the barbell and stuff blah blah blah and next thing you know i've got my tongue pierced. It hurt of course,but it looks so fucking cool! I payed and walked to Drop Dead Clothing. They were a bit expensive but I bought some ripped leather pants. I went into Hot Topic and bought some purple,green,and blue hair dye along with some bleach. YEEaaaahhhh. I went into Forever 21 and got this blue and white sweater that the shoulders were studded and before I knew it I was at spencer's. I chuckled seeing all the sex toys on the back wall. I bought a cd finishing off the last of my money. I payed and walked to the food court before seeing the most beautiful pair of combat boots I've ever seen. They were Five inch extensions that buckled up the front and were leather with studs. I looked at the price and saw that they were fifty euros or quid I don't give a shit as long as I have them. I smirked and walked into the store,smiling at the clerk. I tried them on standing up and walking around,hell yes. I noticed that the lady walked in the back so I put my boots in the box and walked out wearing my new combat boots. Hey people steal all the fucking time,and these boots had my name on them. I saw the girls who were fixing to leave and I just followed silently,hopping into the limo. Danielle smiled,"so Raven we have this tradition that when we go shopping we model for the boys,you know put a little pep in their step!" She and Eleanor giggled softly and I just nodded,"oookay.'

I had less bags than them by far. It was a little obnoxious but whatever they're wasting the money. I followed them out,walking inside. The guys were just sitting around watching what looked like Toy Story. I put my bags down turning around for just a second when my bags were snatched by Louis. He started going through my bag when he pulled out the Blackheart lingerie I got,which was anything but covering. I heard Paul gasp,"Raven what the hell is that!" I rolled my eyes,"lingerie Paul. I even got these matching black crosses that connect to it, just a typical work outfit." Paul stood up,"what the hell do you mean typical work outfit?" I nodded,"yeah I worked at a club since I was fifteen." Harry wolf-whistled and Paul death glared at him. I grabbed the lace back and took a sip from my flask,"besides why would you care?" I turned walking upstairs,walking past Caroline to my room. I shut my door,putting my stereo on,turning to I Can't Breathe by Vampires Everywhere. I layed down on my bed closing my eyes for a moment sighing. Fuck everything. I heard my door open and I heard my stereo being turned down a bit. I ignored whoever it was a yawned softly,accidentally falling asleep.

Paul's POV

I turned down Raven's stereo,taking off her boots and putting the covers over her. I looked at her for a second and kissed her head. SHe looked so innocent,nice,and calm. Not the mean,harsh,and sarcastic teenager now. Walking out I wiped my eyes,going to my room and falling onto the bed trying to relax.

TIME SKIP-----------

I got up from the bed walking downstairs to the boys. Harry looked at me,"you okay Paul?" "yeah,just exhausted." I grabbed some tea,drinking it. Louis walked over,"hey why don't we go over to dinner or something tonight,our treat Paul?" I shook my head,"no thanks boys." Louis laughed,"I insist,we're going." I sighed," let me go get Raven." Louis shook his head,"let me do it, It'll be fine." "be careful." I watched him walk upstairs,closing my eyes for a second before I heard an angry scream. All of our heads turned seeing Louis run downstairs laughing. He hid behind me,laughing harder.

Raven's POV

I got up,walking downstairs,sopping wet. Seeing Caroline start to laugh made me even more angry. I glared at her,walking to Louis. "Listen Louis," pronouncing the s," babe if you wanted to see me wet all you had to do was ask." I winked at him and turned around, making an effort to pretend to pull off my shirt. Paul grabbed my hands, stopping the act,"Raven we're going out to dinner,so wear something nice, like a dress." I nodded and marched upstairs, trying to pick out something nice. Picking out a corset with red lace and a short skirt,wearing my new combat boots. I smirked and put on some fishnet leggings just for the hell of it. How's this for your little girl daddy?

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