Chapter 4

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Paul's POV

I heard clunking of boots and I looked up and my eyes widened, seeing my daughter dressed like practically a prostitute! "Raven, what in the hell are you wearing? Go change." She smiled,"no thanks. Now who's hungry? Because I'm practically starving right now." She opened the door walking out. I saw the boys give me looks and I gave them a small nudge to go ahead of me. I locked the door,shutting it behind me. I forwarded them to the limo and they all got in except for Raven. "Get in Raven, we have to go." SHe shook her head,"I'm walking, tell me the resturaunt." "Get in. Now." She smirked,"I said no,just tell me the resturaunt." I groaned,"Nando's on 24th William Street. It's about eight blocks away. Just get in!" Raven smiled,taking off,"see ya there Paul." I rolled my eyes,hopping in. "Follow that girl, dressed in black. I want to make sure she gets to the resturaunt. He nodded following her.

Raven's POV

I walked the darkened streets,whistling. It was quite funny actually how Paul tried to follow me in the limo. Dumbass. I skipped for a second,laughing to myself. I chuckled,should I go straight or down the dark alleyway where I can see a coffeehouse at the end. Dark alleyway it is then. I turned around and gave a small wave to the limo five foot behind me. I turned sharply into the alleyway and took off running. As soon as I got to the door, I took a left,running into more darkness. I climbed a ladder that ran to the top of a building. I looked down seeing Paul shooing off the limo towards the nandos up ahead. He looked up, hearing me chuckle. "RAVEN,GET DOWN.NOW!" I sat on the edge,"no thanks,Paul. I actually quite don't like the tone you're using." He scowled before walking around the alley. I scoffed seeing him walk towards a ladder, that would lead him towards where I was. I saw a tree branch that was somewhat safe,eh I've been in worse situations. I put my hands on it and let it sink almost to the ground before letting go. I saw him on the roof looking down,"fancy seeing you up there." I laughed and walked off towards the nando's down the street. I walked in and saw the guys in the back. I walked over,sitting down next to Niall. "you know Irish, fate just always seems to bring us together, doesn't it?" I ruffled his hair,taking a sip of his water. Running a hand through my hair, Harry scowled,"do you have any manners?" I smiled,"do you have any std's? Why I think we all know the answer to that

one." Liam sighed,"guys calm,we're in a nice resturaunt. Where is Paul anyway." I chuckled,"well boys, he's currently on a roof about two blocks away,trying to find his way down." We all heard a huff and saw a scratched up looking Paul. Let's see him try to contain his anger now. Pulling up a chair he glared at me,"We will talk about this when we get home." I scoffed,rolling my eyes,"whatever daddy dearest." It was a little tense for a bit before a waiter came over and this man was a cutie. He had dyed black hair,huge plugs in his ears,a septum piercing and his bottom lip pierced. When he came to my turn on what I wanted to eat and drink I batted my eyelashes,"I'll have water with lemon and I'll have the filet mignon,rare please." I have him my menu letting my fingers linger on his for a second. He winked at me walking off towards the kitchen. Smirking I took a gulp of Niall's water. He came back with our drinks and walked off once more. I looked around the restaurant while everyone else talked,not including me. Go fucking figures. Finally our food came and the waiter looked at me,"careful,it's hot. I wouldn't want you to get burned." I smiled,"Thanks babe if I do,I'll just call you and you can kiss it better." He chuckled,murmuring enjoy to everyone else before walking off. I dug in then realizing everyone was staring at me,"what? Foods served,you can eat." Louis chuckled,"aren't you going to pray?" I laughed,"are you shitting me? What is this the Partridge Family?" Danielle looked at me kind of offended,"That's not funny,religion is important to a lot of us here." Sighing I put my fork down,"I'm going to be honest, I don't believe in God or well anything for that matter. So I'm going to hope that you respect my beliefs and join in your own prayer and let me eat please." She started to open her mouth before Liam shushed her,"just let her be Dani." She nodded and they commenced in prayer. When they were finished they started eating. Louis looked at me," so you're an atheist and a freak. Go figures!" He laughed and I rolled my eyes,eating. When everyone was finished Paul payed and we started to leave when I felt a tap on my shoulder,it was the waiter. He handed me a small piece of paper,winked,and walked away. I opened it and it was his number! Fuck yes! Before I could put it in my pocket someone snatched it and I heard the rips of paper. Paul threw the ripped up pieces into a trash can,"you are not going to date anyone who looks like that!" "Like what Paul?" "Oh you know!" "No I don't fucking know." "A FREAK! THAT'S WHAT." I scoffed,"like me." I laughed,"I should have guessed." Pulling out a cigarettes,I lit it taking in a huge drag. I shuddered for a second letting to smoke fill my lugs before exhaling a circle ring of white smoke. "Everybody lets just get in the car,put that out Raven." Sighing I took another drag and put it out,hopping in the limo. I pulled my bag closer digging in it for a sharpie. Pulling it out I uncapped it and began drawing on my hand,starting a henna pattern. We arrived home and I jumped out walking to the front door,waiting for someone to unlock it. Harry unlocked it and I noticed that the girls stayed in the limo that drove off. Walking inside I stopped by the kitchen to grab a cookie. Walking up to my room,I saw a room with Snow White carpet. I walked in,looked around for a second and thus began to rub and wipe my dirty boots all over that white carpet. After my boots were clean and the once white carpet was now a nice muddy grey I left passing Louis who promptly walked into the room I just left. I heard a loud scream/yell and footsteps towards the room. I shut my door smirking,turning the lock and jumping on the bed,taking off my clean boots and clothes changing into shorts and a tee shirt. I took off all my makeup,ignoring the pounds on my door. Suddenly it all stopped and the door was being unlocked. I turned off the light as soon as the door opened. I almost laughed hearing Niall's voice,"Raven are you i-in there?" I climbed on my bed,"hmmm maybe. Depends on how bad you want to see me." You could hear him gulp making me laugh softly. "I'm going to turn on the light now,okay?" "But what if I'm naked? I don't want to be embarrassed." "Well that's a risk I have to take okay Raven." The light turned on and I winked at him,"hey babe why don't you join me? I've always wanted to taste the luck of the Irish." He rolled his eyes unlocking the door letting in an angry Paul and 4 angry boys who were comforting another angry boy, Louis. "Raven tell me what you did to Louis's car-" "I'll tell you what she fucking did to my carpet! She rubbed her dirty freak boots all over till thy were sparkling clean!" Smirking I nodded,"ding ding ding! We have a winner. Lets just say that this is payback for waking we up with water sweetie." Louis started throwing curse words at me, making me start crying imaginary tears. "Boo hoo! I'm crying,you've hurt my feelings!" I looked up,"try me. You honestly. Think cursing at me is going to make me cry. Nice try loser." Paul gritted his teeth,"Raven apologize now to Louis." "Fine, I'm sorry for ruining your precious carpet, didn't know it meant so much to you." He nodded,"thanks, but you're cleaning it!" "Funny joke,call one of your help to do it. Or why don't you do it yourself? Oh wait I forgot,you don't know how to do anything by yourself." Louis threw himself at the bed,before being pulled back by Paul. " Get him out of here!" The boys pulled back a screaming Louis," bye boys! See you later!" I blew a kiss towards the shutting door. Paul sighed," Raven,why did you do that? It's childish." "Well I have been told I'm an idiotic child, so maybe that explains it." He sat down,"Raven this needs to stop." "What needs to stop." "The attitude,the smoking,drinking,sass,rudeness,and especially the bad behavior! Tonight do you know what could have happened to you when you ran? Huh!" Getting under the covers, I shrugged. I wasn't used to people actually worrying about me. It felt weird, I don't like it. "You could have gotten seriously injured Raven! That's what!"

Paul's POV

I watched her for a reaction,but there was none before a flicker of some emotion went through her eyes. "Well I didn't so don't worry." "Don't worry?! How can I not worry? My daughter could have almost gotten seriously injured or even dead!" " I'm not your daughter. Biologically yes,but family no." My mouth dropped slightly ,eyes starting to water. "Raven." She layed down,pulling the covers out. " I don't like random men in my room when I sleep, so leave and turn the light out on your way out." Before I could respond she shut her eyes. "Please. I'm sorry." "Fuck off Paul, I'm exhausted. I've already dealt with enough bullshit today, don't want to hear anymore." I nodded getting up and practically running out and shutting the light out.

The next day.....

Raven's POV

Today I actually woke up feeling somewhat cheery. But that all went away when I felt eyes on me. I sat up quickly looking around,smirking when I saw Louis. " So what brings you to my room at this hour?" Louis stood up from the chair, walking to my bed an sitting down. "Just watching." "I'd rather it be Irish than you,but I'll take what I can get." He frowned,"I don't like you,not one bit." Stretching I smiled,"You and about everyone else I've ever met." Louis scowled,"why are you so cheery emo?" I stood up walking over to my closet pulling out some outfit choices. "It's honestly none of your business. Oh and I hope you will enjoy your hair." He looked at me weirdly before pulling the towel off his head,his eyes widening in horror. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR!?" Pulling off my shirt I smiled," oh you know just switched your shampoo and conditioner with neon blue funky monkey hair dye. Enjoy. I could have sworn that blue was your favorite color?" All of a sudden I was tackled and punches and kicks were being thrown for a few minutes. I felt my lip being busted open before someone pulled him off of me. Thank goodness it was Zayn and Harry. Standing up I wiped the blood off of my lip," my mother hits better than you." He started to fight to get to me. " Let him go. I want him to hit me. Fucking beat me till I'm unconscious." Smirking, I walked to my bathroom putting on a new bra and a tank top. They had left and I walked out down to the kitchen. Seeing Nialler I settled myself into his lap plucking bacon off of his plate, before feeding it to him and then biting the half that was half out his mouth and eating it. He was blushing which made me ruffle his hair. Turning I took a sip of his orange juice,biting a piece of biscuit. Once I was full I hopped off and walked to the living room,turning on the TV. It took a bit to get used to the channels, deciding to watch a program on the occult. Stomping was heard before Liam marched in front of me," why did you do that to him?!" "I was bored and I don't like him. It was just a little prank. Get over it." Liam let out a frustrated groan before walking off.

I've always loved Halloween and the Occult. After about an hour the boys came down and sat on the couch. Niall was the only one sat close enough. I sat up before plopping my butt on his lap and wrapping his arms around my waist. Smirking, I leaned back pressing a nip to his chin,"you're so sexy little Irish." I turned myself around,pressing small kisses and nips to his neck and chin,"how about you and me, we go upstairs and I give you a little dance." Niall was looking a bit afraid and throwing glances to the other guys. " I've always wanted to fuc-" "THIS HAS GOT TO STOP YOU EMO SLUT!" Turning I sat up,looking at Louis,"I'm sorry, can you speak a bit louder. My dead grandmother just turned over in her grave trying to hear you." Louis flipped me off,sitting back down. Niall had started shaking a bit and before I could look at him I was shoved off his lap to the ground. Hearing laughter made me angry, bastards. Standing up, I walked towards the fridge,but the strange thins was there was a padlock on it. "What the fuck?"

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