Chapter 7

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Getting to class on time was always a challenge. But today was especially hard, due to the fact that I had just questioned my entire time here in Auradon, but things were looking up. I was on my way to class when Ben caught me in the hallway.  

"Hey there beautiful." He smiled. I knew he could see me blush because I saw his smile grow a little bit more. He gave me a kiss on the cheek when the bell rang, I looked at him with a grin and said" love you." he had a surprised look in his eye and then returned the phrase." Love you Mal."

I got to class a little late, but fairy godmother knew me, and didn't really care at this point. She pointed to my seat as I came in, and that's about all the scolding I got. As I continued on my great day, my face fell as the morning announcements came on. 


I'm sure i looked terrified. July 17th. Ten days. We had ten days till I went to the isle. I was gonna be sick . 

I ran to the bathroom, a little dizzy when I got there. Ten days. I had ten days until I had to leave and go back to the isle. Yikes. But luckily, to get my mind off of it, Evie walked into the bathroom, grabbing my shoulder. 

"Hey, M. You ok?" Evie asked. 

"E, I just feel like I'm gonna be sick, like somehow, I'm gonna lose Ben." I whispered, beginning to tear up. 

"M, stop that, you know that you are good enough for Ben, and he loves you. You love him. I don't understand how you keep doubting that." Evie says, shrugging. 

"It's just, when I leave, is he gonna have all of the Auradon girls all over him?" I said, dreading the answer. 

"I'm pretty sure anyone within this world knows you two are dating, Mal. It's in the paper almost every morning." She chuckles, play punching me. I hate it, but I grin a little. Knowing that I'll at least stay in Ben's life makes me happy. But being away from him seems sad, like I'll miss him so much that I'll be in physical pain. Is this what it feels like to love someone? And if so, did I even want to love someone if it caused me pain?

Brushing off the pain of this morning, I headed to class, history. Instead of sitting through a boring lesson, Ms.Levi said that I got to leave early on account of the kind. Obviously it was Ben's doing, but I had no idea why he pulled me out of class. He was usually a stickler for education. As I walked down the hallway, I bumped into him.

"Hey, why did you take me out of class?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant. He looked at me and grinned. 

"Mal, I just wanted to spend the day with you. You know, just have fun." He added with a smile. 


Sorry this chapter is a little short, I promise I'm working to make them longer

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