Chapter One: I'm Not Telling You Shit

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Friday, 3:00pm (Aria's P.O.V)

My mother and I leave the hair salon. After seeing my half long and half short hair, my mom totally freaked out. I told her a girl at school cut it by accident but I don't know if she believed that. Now my hair was cut short, it was only up to my shoulders. But my mother allowed me to have a red highlight, so I was pretty satisfied. As we drive in the car back home, I stare at my day-light ring. It's silver with a little blue stone in the middle. It's what's keeping me from burning alive in the front seat of this car, next to my very angry mother.

Unlike her I'm feeling great. Even though I just found out I was a descendent and an entire wolf pack is after me because of some beliefs that I'm dangerous. It was David. Ever since he saved me from falling to my death, he's made my life a lot more exciting. He's that special someone I've wanted. I haven't seen my maker since she found out I was a descendent and used speed to leave Fang Club as fast as possible. I guess she thought, " plans just went to shit" or "Damn, I really screwed this one up".

"Did you do polish school homework?" my mom asked.

"Of course" I tell her, even though I didn't even start it yet.

Polish school is a place where all polish kids go. Well not all, but most that come here. It's every Saturday for 4 hours. That's where I met my best friend Aleks. I trust her with everything, but I don't know if telling her I'm a vampire is a good idea. Probably not. Actually, it's DEFINITELY not a good idea to tell her I'm a vampire, the descendent kind. That werewolfs exist and one bit off a piece of my hair which is why I had to cut it.

It was their leader that did it, Laurel's boyfriend, Jordan. I don't get the big deal with them and descendents. What am I gonna do that's so evil and dangerous? I haven't changed since I became a vampire. I'm still Aria. My favorite color is blue. I love animals. I love sports, such as gymnastics. I love reading and writing. I love food, even though I don't need to eat it anymore. And I'm not a danger to anyone. The girl I bit the night before is still alive, I only drank a little bit. Not enough to kill her.

Saturday, 12:15pm (Aria's P.O.V)

Someone knocks on my window and wakes me up. At first I have no idea who it could be. I get out of bed, make sure my bedroom door is closed and walk up to the window. I lift the shades, open it and see David. He's sitting on the window sill as if it were a bench.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Waiting for you to invite me in" he said.

"Come on in" I said and he climbs in through the window.

As soon as he's inside, he kisses me. Then, once we pull away he looks around my room and at me in my pajamas.

"Is that all you came for?" I ask him.

"No, I actually came to give you these" he says and takes out two, still warm blood-bags.

They are AB+ blood type. I take them and before he says anything, open one and suck on it. I've been waiting for this moment all day, actually, I've been waiting for it ever since I last fed. Suddenly it goes dry, so I open the next one. David stares at me in horror. He pulls the bag away from me but I already managed to drink most of it. What was left wasn't enough for me, I needed even more.

"I'm not done, David. I need more!" I say.

"You already drank one, you should save this one for later" he said.

"But I'm still thirsty, the burning in my veins hasn't gone away yet" I whine.

"Don't cry, it's going to be like that. Sometimes you will feed and it won't be enough. You'll want more until you feel human again but you need to learn control" he said.

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