Maybe I Should Tell Him

Depuis le début

"Since my best friend is sad and I want to cheer her up."


Okay, maybe he is boyfriend material.

But he's my Isaac. Not my boyfriend.

Someone opened the classroom door and it was Isaac, coming in late with a tardy slip to give to the teacher.

He made his way to the back of the class and sat next to me as our teacher kept going over what'd we'll be doing for the rest of class.

"Are you okay? You look like you're thinking too much." He whispered to me as he took out his notebook.

"I'm fine." I brushed off his comment.

It's just a crush and I will get over it.


Math rolled around faster than I hoped. Usually I stare at the clock, waiting for math to come so I can see Kevin but now I'm afraid to face him.

He was already in class by the time I showed up so I took my usual seat next to him and got out my textbook and materials before class started.

"Hey, I was looking for you in the hall. I wanted to ask if you wanted to have our third date next weekend. My dad has extra tickets to a rugby game and they're really good seats. So what do you say? Will you go on another date with me?" He smiled.

Poor thing looks so excited. I feel bad for wanting to say no but there's no actual reason why I can't go. One more date can't hurt anyone.

"Okay." I smiled.

I don't even like rugby. It's so violent and scary looking. Edward wanted to try out for rugby in elementary school but mum refused to sign the permission slip and that's how he ended up in football.

Math class went pretty fast after that and so did my other class before lunch. Now I'm getting today's special in the cafeteria and it doesn't look as delicious as the picture.

I sat down at our usual table and waited for my friends to join me.

"Hi rugrat," Tommy greeted me as he sat across from me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"At least I don't have pimples all over my face. Are you hitting puberty again?" I teased.

"No, I'm breaking out from all of the kisses your best friend keeps giving me." He smirked. "Not that I'd expect you to know anything about snogging."

"I snog." I said.

"Snogging your pillow doesn't count." He chuckled.

I only rolled my eyes at that and lucky for me, Penny was coming to sit with us.

"You two were alone together and the table didn't go up in flames? Wow, that's a new record." She said as she sat across from me as well, on Tommy's right.

"If you were one second later, it might have." I innocently smiled at the both of them and Tommy shook his head.

"Okay, I'm present now and ready to hear whatever it was that you were rambling about earlier." Penny said to me.

"There's no need now, I solved it." I shrugged.

"Makes things easier for me." She smiled.

I turned to look at Kevin to see him at the table he usually sits at. He's talking and laughing with his friends. It's weird how he doesn't ask me to sit with him. I mean, I would feel weird ditching my friends but he never even walks over here to say hi, it's like we don't know each other at lunch.

Harry Styles Darcy Imagines Part TwoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant