𝟙. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎

Start from the beginning

It was Scout.

"Hey! How was your weekend?" I greeted. She marched up the bleachers and sat next to Brayson. "Eh, it was alright. All I did was text you guys and go to the park with my little brother." Scout shrugged, putting her bag in the floorboard by her feet. "Don't forget your break down over taking a nap and getting in trouble by your mom," Brayson just snickered while looking up at all of us with her droopy eyes. We all shared a little laugh and went on about our day.

It was second period now. I didn't have a class with any of my friends. World Civ. was a relatively easy class, all you learn about is the Silk Road and different Spanish explorers. So I mostly just draw or sketch during this time of the day. I sat there, tapping my pencil's eraser against my sketchbook as I thought of what to draw. My head was lazily rested on top of my palm that was prompted up on my desk. With a few more taps of my eraser I finally figured out what to draw. I started with the base of two people and went from there. Next was the body figure and then the features of the face. A grin itched itself onto my lips. It was us. Me and Scout holding hands. Oh how I wanted to hold them in person. I wanted to grip them so tight and never let go. I want her precious hands, I want her hands as mine.

"Soda, can you tell us the answer to number five on the worksheet?" I looked up quickly and saw my teacher looking my way. "Y-yeah sure.."

Lunch soon rolled around, we all had it together. I always get there last due to my class being far from the cafeteria. All I focus on when I get out of the lunch line is Brayson and Scout laughing with each other. My fingers curled up in my palm to make a tight fist. I walked over and sat on the other side of Scout. "Hey Soda, its nice seeing you." Danny remarked with a smile. I just raised my hand up in a half-assed wave. Brayson was still laughing with Scout. Scout should be talking to me, not her. Better yet laughing with me. "Hey Scout, how did your presentation go for second period?" I asked her. The said girl turned her head to face me, "It went pretty well, it wasn't perfect but I still passed I bet." Brayson had her phone out and faced towards Scout to show her something when she was done talking to me. And just like that, Scout busted out into a fit of laughter once more. Danny kept me company for the lunch period. I like him and all but I'd rather be talking to Scout. I kept up a happy and satisfied vibe as Danny I continued our conversation from this morning, but the thought of the other two getting along so well was stuck in the back of my mind. Brayson is starting to get on my nerves.

Four period came about. I walked into the English classroom and sat down in my seat. Brayson and I have this class together. Brayson soon walked into the room and sat her stuff in the seat next to me. She continued to stand as she talked, "Dude, I hate Frank!" I looked up at her, and sure enough she was rambling on and talking with her hands. "He's so stupid and he thinks that he's all that!" Brayson went on about some dude we both dislike. I started to zone out. I couldn't help but feel upset. She's been talking to Scout a lot more. They're constantly talking it up in the chat and I can't help but feel left out. How dare she. I'm the one who introduced them together and now she's taking Scout away from me! The whole thing makes my blood boil. How could they not acknowledge me. How does Brayson not realize that Scout was meant to be with me? We have so much in common, I'm practically her.

"- And then he thinks he has the audacity to call me a jerk!" Brayson was still going. Maybe I'm just in a sour mood, but I wish she would shut up. I honestly don't feel like talking to her. She's taken Scout away just in spite of me.

I didn't look to her for the rest of the period.

Fifth period was here, the last period of the day. I had Scout in this class. Finally, I can talk to her one-on-one. I hurriedly made my way to my seat and sat down. My eyes clung to the doorway in search for the girl. Soon enough there she was. Talking it up with some other classmates of ours. I sat up in my seat and smiled wide as I called her over, "Hey Scout! So I was thinking about drawing our characters together and," -The bell rang and our teacher closed the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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