Part 3

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Beth looked around trying to figure out what the least chaotic route into the large supermarket would be. She had brought Black Sheep there for a number of reasons. First off she would get to get out of the cramped room and see different people and she wanted to let Black Sheep pick some toys and clothes out so that she still felt like she was in control of her life to an extent. She frowned realizing Black Sheep hid behind her whenever another person got to close as they walked into the store, Black Sheep's biggest problem by far was trusting people she was scared to be near anyone besides her and it had taken a while before Black Sheep had gotten to use to Beth.

"Black Sheep I noticed you liked to draw would you like to get some coloring books?" Beth asked her trying to help Black Sheep forget about all of the unfamiliar people. Black Sheep nodded hesitantly and Beth brought her over to the arts and craft section which took way longer then it should have as Black Sheep insisted on walking up and down every single aisle and picking up and examining anything that she didn't know the purpose for.

Beth bit her lower lip praying no one would notice but that prayer was in vain as everyone around her stared at Black Sheep she murmured apologies moving Black Sheep along. Once they finally managed to get to the correct aisle she had let go of Black Sheeps hand staying right by her side so Black Sheep could try to find something she liked.

"Why don't you pick out a few things?"

Black Sheep smiled "really!" Beth nodded and couldn't help but smile seeing Black Sheep smile grow by the second. Beth smiled turned to a frown as she watched confused to what Black Sheep was doing, before realizing what she was doing.

"Black SHeep we can't get one of everything that's a lot of money," She said frantically as Black Sheep went to pick up her tenth item.

"Why not?" Black Sheep asked confused. How was Beth supposed to explain that most people didn't just take what they wanted but they paid for things using money which they got for working? Black Sheep would have never had to use the money for anything she needed was provided for even while that was the case for kids by her age most kids had a general understanding of how money worked.

Black Sheep didn't wait for an answer and just placed everything she had on the ground leaving Beth to put it back and making her ponder what on earth made her think that this would be a good idea. Black Sheep walked up and down the aisle before clapping her hands together.

"I got it!" Black Sheep said happily picking up a set of paints, color pencils and croayns as well as two coloring books and a stack of blank papers and a jar of glitter.

"Black Sheep watch out!" Beth called but it was too late Beth had missed one of the items Balck Sheep had put on the ground and she had tripped and everything fell out of Black Sheeps hands as she fell to the ground all the jar of glitter spilled all over Black Sheep.

Beth looked making sure no one saw and quickly cleaned up the mess. "Well get the coloring books and the crayons, and well get you an activity book paints and glitter I can tell are going to be too messy." Black Sheep shrugged.

"Yeah, that's probably best I was never allowed to use glitter because of one small incident, I mean how was I suppose to know that salt and glitter wasn't the same thing you try put different glitter together and then bam somebody tries to eats it and gets sick!" Back Sheep said rambling on and on. Beth sighed picking up the other objects that were still on the ground.

"Come on lets go get you a book or two and grab a bite to eat."

Beth was amazed when Black Sheep had grab a book meant for a kid in middle school and began to read it.

"Don't you want one with pictures?" She asked holding up a Junie B Jones book that was meant for an 8 year old. Black Sheep shrugged.

"I don't like books with pictures there to easy." Black Sheep looked at the book she was reading and frowned"

"I don't like this book its to boring do they have a harder book I liked the titanic, minus the part where alot of people died, I guess Shakesphere would work to but maybe something with a dragon ooh! OR a mermaid."

After much arguing going back and forth Beth deciding to just bring Black Sheep to a library so that she wouldn't have to buy the entire young adult section of the book store. She was hesitant to let Black Sheep read anything from the young adult section at the library even though Black Sheep insisted it was fine because of mature themes. In the end they had walk out of the library with the entire series of Harry Potter a book about customs around the world and a bunch of mystery novels after triple checking with the librarian that it didn't have to much goriness or mature themes."

"I think the library is my favorite place ever you can get what ever you want there, even though it stinks you had to bring it back. At least that means you have to take me back" Black Sheep had put up a huge fight when it was time for the library to close and they had been there for hours. Black Sheep was disappointed when Beth had told her she couldn't keep the books when she told Black Sheep that she really only needed one or two, but Black Sheep insisted that she get every book she had picked out. It made Beth worry just exactly what grade level she should be placed in but deciding that many kids her age could read just as good as she could.

 Beth tried to recall the already foggy memory of how Black Sheep had thrown a tantrum she had to make sure it didn't happen again, not only was it embarrassing it would also get her in trouble if she did this when she finally started school.

"I didn't get to look at all the books though!" Black Sheep protested hanging onto a book shelf as Beth tugged on Black Sheep trying to separate Black Sheep from it.

"The library is closed we need to leave"

"Just five more minutes!"

"No!" Luckily for Beth, the librarians had a large amount of patience and found the situation amusing most kids fought to not go in so it was a nice change of pace. They walked along the sidewalk and Black Sheep read her book as they walked back to the car.

"I like the town when can we go back?" Black Sheep asked as she buckled her seatbelt.

"In a few days if you keep up the good behavior you'll be able to live in the town with me and my husband you'll get settled in and then you'll get to go to school and meet kids your own age"  Black Sheep wasn't paying attention though she had just realized that she had forgotten to escape. 

She told herself that she would have plenty of opprintunitys though she should get familiar with the town first and make sure Beth and her boss trusted her first, then and only then would she be able to get to Coach Brunt. In the meantime meeting kids her own age could be fun right?

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