Part 15

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The man that received the 911 call did a double-take it wasn't often that you got that kind of call. The kid was probably just over-imaginative or taken something the wrong way but it was always better to be safe and not just brush it as kids imagination running wild."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure today was her first day at school and she got off at my brother's bus stop instead of her own. We asked where her mom lives and she says she doesn't have one-"The man let out a sigh of relief luckily it was just a misunderstanding.

"A lot of kids don't live with their mom-"

"We know that and we asked who she lived with she just said some woman's name and we asked if she was her aunt and she said that she wasn't related and we asked how she knew her and she said she didn't that a month ago she just took her from her family!" Grace said getting more worked up by the minute.

"Alright I need you to come down and speak clearly, that doesn't mean she was kidnapped necessarily she might have had social services take her from a bad home-"

"Well, she's in a bad home now!" Grace yelled, "The woman never taught her the home address or a phone number no good parent does that!"

"Alright I'm going to send a patrol call over and we will get this sorted out can you tell me where you are?" Grace recited her address because her parents had actually taught her. The man on the phone sighed, this was going to be a long day. He wasted no time sending out a patrol car staying on the phone with Grace the entire time trying to come her down.

"Are your parts home is there an adult I can talk to?"


"Check Mate" Black Sheep said taking Tyler's King with a grin.

"Man your good at this the chess club could definitely use someone like you," Tyler said with a forced smile, he was too bothered about the possibility of her being kidnapped to actually focus, though he doubts that would have made a difference she was nothing less than a prodigy in chess. Of course, that only made him think that was the reason why she was kidnapped if she was kidnapped he told himself.

"Thanks-wait are you going easy on me because if you are-"

"No, I swear scouts honor your just really that good."Black Sheep smiled beaming with pride.

"Do you want to play again-wait do you hear that?"

"Nope," Tyler said though of course, he did hear the sirens. As the sirens grew louder he started to wonder if he had made the right decision maybe he should have called his mom first.

"Hey, Tyler are you okay?" Black Sheep asked realizing he was starting to shake.

"Do you miss your mom? Is that why you're upset, I miss my family too sometimes but I know I'll see them again someday and your mom will be home soon so don't worry-" To her surprise, Tyler went up and hugged her, while she didn't want to be hugged she figured that he must have really needed it. he liked Tyler but she found him a bit odd that he missed his mom who he had seen that morning.

"It's okay Carmen we're going to get you home," Tyler said. Not knowing what else to do Black Sheep just nodded, getting lost wasn't that big of a deal, was it? Just then the door opened showing two cops and Grace.

"Hi, honey don't be scared we just need to ask you a few questions." The first officer said. lack SHeep took one look at the officers and darted out the door behind them. Coach Brunt taught her that sirens and people in uniforms certain badges were never good. She told them that they would take her away from Coach Brunt, which meant they would probably try to take her away from Beth too. If she got taken away from Beth she would never have any chance at finding Coach Brunt.

The second officer ran behind her and grabbed her hand gently."It's okay we're not going to hurt you." She said giving a smile.

"Yes you are!"Black Sheep said trying to loosen her hand from the woman, "She said so she said that you were bad and would hurt me, and would take me away I don't want to be taken away again!" Black Sheep said tears streaming down her face as she struggles to get lose. Of course when Black Sheep had said she, by that she meant Coach Brunt but the officer didn't know that and at that point, Black Sheep was too much of a blubbering mess to understand.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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