6.) Christmas with the Hollands (Tom Holland)

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*FLUFF & SMUT* by @porterporker on tumblr

Your leg bounces as Tom turns the steering wheel of the car, guiding the vehicle onto a main road.

"Stop doing that, you know my family adores you," he says without even looking at you.

"Stop doing what?"

You know exactly what, but it's more of a reflex than something you can control at this point.

Tom puts his hand just above your knee and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm serious. You've been on vacations with us before, why is Christmas freaking you out?"

He steals a meaningful glance at you. Although there's a light smirk on his face, his eyes reflect both a concern for your nervousness and a confidence in you. You can tell he means the words coming out of his mouth, but it's still hard to calm your nerves.

"I don't know, it's -- it's such a family thing, so many traditions, I just --" you sigh. "It's intimate, you know? I feel like I'm intruding on something that's just meant for you and your family."

It's only for a moment that he stays silent, mulling over the anxieties you've expressed and the best way to calm them, but for you it feels like an eternity.

"Pull over," you break the silence. "Let me drive, it will calm my nerves to focus on something else."

Tom gives your thigh another squeeze.

"(y/n), we're ten minutes away and there's no good place to pull off. Just take deep breaths, okay?" His voice is soft, and it envelopes you like a warm embrace. "You are family, okay, and mum and dad and the boys, they all feel that way too. I promise, you belong here with us."

His kind brown eyes meet yours for only a second, but the earnest care they convey grounds you, and your shaking leg slowly comes to a halt.

"Is this how you felt when we had Thanksgiving with my family?"

Although you two have been dating for a year and a couple of months, the first holiday he spent with you and your family was Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. For all the others in between, he was either shooting, or doing a press tour, or your university didn't give you the holiday break.

Finally, Thanksgiving worked out because he happened to have some time between projects, and you didn't have to try to decide whose parents' house to go to for the holiday for, well, obvious reasons.

Tom hums in thought.

"I don't think I was nearly as nervous as you are now, if I'm honest, but I've never had a Thanksgiving before, per se, and the whole historical context was kind of weird, so if you're not sure what you're going to walk into, I do kind of get the feeling ," he laughs.

You giggle too, placing your hand on top of his. You're able to breathe normally for the time being knowing Tom is on your side.

Soon enough, he's pulling into the driveway, parking the car, and hurrying over to the passenger side to open your door for you -- ever the gentleman. You smile at him appreciatively as he takes your hand and leads you to the door. Before you can even ring the doorbell, Mrs. Holland is opening the door with a big smile on her face, giving you both hugs and ushering you in the house.

As soon as you step into the threshold, you almost chide yourself for being nervous at all. Tom's family is thrilled to have you here, sharing their Christmas traditions. You find comfort in the smiling faces that surround you. You're making your rounds with greetings, about to hug Sam, when Tessa comes bounding into the room -- straight to you.

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