Stupid - Haganezuka

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The sound of a sword dropping to the ground echoed through the area followed by the loud noise of a irritated groan. Locks of (h/c) hit the ground, drenched in sweat. A blue blade resting beside a pair of sandled feet.

   "Oi," The owner of those feet kicked the figure on the floor. "Give up, (Name)."

   "I c-can't...."

   She sighed as she laid down onto the cold floor, panting heavily. Her cheeks were a light red and lips were chapped from dehydration. Sweat painted across her forehead and ran down her cheeks. Her usual clear (e/c) eyes were glossed over.

   "You look dead."

    And then there was a pause.

    "That sword better not be fucking scratc—"

    "Shut up, Hagenzuka." She snapped at the dark-haired man standing over her. A tick of anger pulsed on her forehead, eye twitching in irritation. "I'm here looking like a fish and that's all you've gotta say?."

   She reached out to the sword by her head only to stop when her muscles pulsed achingly. They screamed at her to stop moving, an excruciating pain coursing through her and she bit her lip to stop the whimper about to leave her. She wasn't going to cry despite her thoughts.




   "I'm going to continue." Shakily, she turned to the man who stood at the side of her, sword in his hand. "I-I can continue."
   He shook his head, "You can't." Hagenzuka watched her get onto her elbows and tried to stand only to collapse as he finished his sentence, "You can't even stand, idiot."

  She puffed out her cheeks in defiance before trying to get up, managing to get onto all fours before she was forced down by a sudden weight on her back. Her eye twitched. This little bitch. "What are you doing?."

   He had kicked her on her back, "You're weak."

"Shut up."

   He kicked her again, "And stupid."


   He ignored her and grabbed her arm, forcing her onto her feet making her head spin. He then grabbed her waist, ignoring her flustered remarks. Hagenzuka ran his fingers across her side, looking for a good angle to hold her by securely— unaware of how the girl stiffened at reddened in shock.

"L-let me go!— Wait, what are you doing—AH-?! "

  And threw her over his shoulders like a sack of potataoes.

   "Shut up, woman."

   "S-stop!" She cried out weakly, huffing as sweat ran down her forehead. "Just let me down!" He ignored her and walked through the corridor, searching for her room door with her on his shoulder.

"Did you get hurt recently?.." Hagenzuka suddenly asked, his voice somewhat less harsher than before. The grip on her waist loosened, just enough to secure her. She felt her heart race and shut her eyes when she was moved from his shoulder, into his arms. A warm breathe hit her face, making her eyes snap open. 

   Unreadable Black met (e/c).

   "Tell me, so I can help you." She felt herself tense up, heartbeat accelerate at the look on his face. It was serious, his eyes narrowed and lips in a straight line. She couldn't tell what he was thinking exactly but his words sent her heart into a frenzy, the palest of blushes rising to her cheeks. She just hoped that he couldn't see it.

   "U-I'm fine." The words were so hard to say so she kept quiet after that, hating how her voice cracked just from that. She hated how the blacksmith had this effect over her.  "Really."


  "Huh?" She looked up at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" His tone pissed her off. "Whats with the sarcastic tone too?"

   "Tch. So you're just tired?"

  "Y-yes?" She wanted to slap herself at how dumb she sounded.

   "And I left my sword there in that room, on the floor?"


   "For nothing?"

    She said nothing.




And then and there, he dropped her.

   Just as he turned around, he heard her. Her voice was oddly quiet, as though she had done something wrong. Or stupid. He thought, knowing her. He continued walking.

"I can't feel my ankle."

   He ignored her.

   "I think it's broken."

     He clicked his tongue, turning around and picking her up in his arms casually. He didn't look at her. Not once.


"Stupid woman."

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