SSBU Charades...

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Okay so my two cousins recently got SSBU (because of me—) and we all decided to play charades (the app), but based on SSBU.

So I made a SSBU version of it, the cards being the names of all the fighters (except DLC because they don't really know them that well). Basically, the person holding the phone has the names of the fighters, and the others need to either describe the character or act as them so that the person with the phone can guess them— tilting the phone down if they get the name correct, or tilting it back if they want to skip them. My cousins chose to describe them since they found it easier to do so.

And it was my turn to hold the phone. Everything was going pretty normal...

Until Wii Fit Trainer popped up.

They struggled to guess for a moment until one of my cousins said—


And I literally screamed at the top of my lungs...


...They gave me the weirdest look until I finally realised what they were talking about

Then I, my face red, muttered—

'...Wii Fit Trainer...'

Then I titled the phone down as they (and my mum and aunt— their mum) started laughing at me

...Ngl it was very funny XD

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