Firefox and Chrome

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"Okay guys," Samus said as she walked into the room, holding the brand new laptop Snake bought for her.
"I've spent most of my time setting up this. Now, which browser should I use? Firefox or Chrome-"

Fox stood up.
"USE FIREFOX!!!" He shouted, which made Samus jump a little.
"NO!!! USE CHROME!!!" Chrom yelled and ran into the room. Fox growled and turned around to face Chrom.

"NO!!! USE FIREFOX!!!" Chrom furrowed his eyebrows in anger.
"CHROME IS WAY BETTER!!!" He shouted. Fox scoffed and crossed his arms around his chest.

"Oh yeah? Well FIREFOX BROWSER USES 30% LESS RAM!!!" Chrom gasped in absolute horror.
"Oh yeah?! WELL NO ONE CARES BECAUSE EVERYONE USES CHROME!!!" Fox's mouth hung wide open, enough to even hit the floor. He turned around to face Samus, who was a little shocked from the situation.

"SAMUS! USE FIREFOX!!!" Fox yelled. Chrom stomped his foot on the ground.
"Okay guys STOP!!!" Samus screamed and glared at the two.

"How about I just use both and see which one is better?"
Fox and Chrom's facial expressions softened a bit, and the two stopped their intense argument and nodded.

"Good idea," Fox scoffed and sat back down on the sofa, opposite from Samus. Chrom sighed and walked off.

"Idiots..." Samus muttered under her breath and opened up her laptop.

SSB Ultimate RandomnessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz