Lower expectations, lower sadness

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Sometimes we feel sad. This may happen by someone or something. Before judging others, judge yourself. Nobody makes you sad, you do that yourself. You expect a lot and when they do not happen, you get hurt and feel sad. Stop waiting others to make you happy, learn how to make yourself happy. As an illustration; In case you wait 100 people to celebrate your birthday if not all of them celebrate, you will be falling into depression. Let's say you expect only a few but important ones in your life will celebrate your birthday and they did so. In this case, you will be really happy.

 It is not the number actually. When we expect everything from people, they mostly fail to meet our expectations. This leads us to depression and we feel sad. Then we judge others as they are the guilty ones of conclusion. No, it is you. If I have to give another illustration, I can say that; 

You make a homework, it looks really perfect on your view, you do want to show everyone because you think everyone will like it and they will even clap. But no, that does not go as you want, they do not like and tell you that. You be sad at this moment, because you thought everyone will clap you. That hurt you, because you expected a lot from people. What would happen if you had no any expctation from people? If you knew not everyone would like it and some of them would not like then they tell you that, you would not really be sad. That would not hurt you because you would be ready for that already. 

What do you expect from people? Why do you expect a lot? Do you really need everyone without any parameter if they are worth or no? Do not be sad as a conclusion of other people's moves.

Keep your expectations lower, keep your happines higher. Learn how to make yourself happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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