You Free Friday?

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I don't own the teen titans, sadly :(


You shakily brought your eyes up to meet with his. Robin's smile grew larger, as you opened your mouth, and spoke softly.

"(Y/N)." You stuttered, trying to decipher what his masked eyes were focused on.

He relaxed, and migrated a lock of your hair behind your ears. "A pretty name, for a pretty girl."

You couldn't hide the blush on your cheeks, it's red aura seeking for him to notice. Even if he did notice, he didn't acknowledge it, just continued to smile.

He stood, holding out his hand, the same comforting smile on his lips. You took his outstretched arm, gently, as he brought you up next to him.

The wind from the tall building played with your hair, whipping it in different directions, as you looked at the drop in front of you.

"Why'd you jump?" He repeated.

The tears from earlier welled up in your eyes once more, stinging the tips of your vision.

If anyone would know, it's Robin. He's been through a lot, all of which, makes him a considerate, understanding person.

Your eyes fix on the cars. They move too quickly from your sight to follow, being replaced by another on the busy traffic road.

He nodded, understanding your silence, and gripped your hand in his gloved one.

He lead you away from the edge, his smile fading as your tears spilled.

"Do you have a place to stay?" He asked, turning to you.

You shook your head, no. You lost your only home to debt. No one was alive in your family, so you hid away from it in a small apartment on the outskirts of Gotham.

Robin gripped your hand in his, tightly yet gently. "You can stay with me, (Y/N)."


You didn't pick up on his cue, until there was an awkward silence.

"Oh! I'm (Y/N)." Your voice sounded jumpy and exuberant, trying to cover it up, you coughed, falsely, and sheepishly smiled.

Cyborg smiled back at you, poking at the communicator on the counter.

You shook yourself sane again, and looked at the device. "You said it was jammed, how?"

He sighed, rolling his human eye. "Some people don't respect advanced technology."

You laughed, popping the cover off of the small trinket in front of you. Crossing the wires in your brain, and referring to what you know about electronics, you point out a jam in the gears.

Taking a small pen from under the shelf, you carefully moved the gear back in its stand, sticking your tongue out of your mouth to concentrate.

The small metal piece clicked into place, and the mechanism started up again. With a satisfied smile, you look back up into the 1/2 man 1/2 robots eyes, and let out a breath.

"Thanks, (Y/N)." Cyborg says, resuming the communicator on a metallic magnet on his side.

You set the pen down, and move the hair from your eyes. "No problem."

He pauses, about to say something, and fulfills the silence. "Are you free Friday?"

You blush profusely, and nod, a smile growing on both of your faces, as he writes a 10 digit number on a price of paper, and slides it to you.

With a goodbye wink, he waves playfully, as he exits.

You sigh dreamily, sitting back in your leather chair, hearts forming above your head.


"(Y/N)." You tell him, smiling up at the changeling.

He smirks, setting his warm hand upon your shoulder. "I like your glasses, (Y/N)."

Blushing, you center the frames on your nose, and look at the ground, with a dreamy smile on your face.

You grab your small book bag from the sidewalk, and glance over your crushed phone.

"Sorry about your phone," Beastboy tells you.

"It's not your fault. There's a lot of idiots in my school." You take the pieces of broken glass and plastic in your hands. "Besides, all it needs is new glass."

He nods, understanding your reasoning with a smile. "Soo," he starts. "You free Friday?"

You look at him, another blush creeping in on your cheeks, and look down the road, "Sure." You confirm.

He mouths a "yes", closing his eyes, and bringing his knee up to meet his elbow.

Your laugh makes him smile wider, setting his limbs down. "I'm glad your alright."

You cautiously rub the contour of your neck. "I will be."

Keeping one hand on your shoulder, he uses his other to take your shaking hand in his steady one, and kisses the top of your palm.

Your cheeks set a new wave of blush as he smiles at you, turning your worries inside out.

As if on cue, his communicator rings, signaling for him to leave. You wave as he sprints down the sidewalk, leaving you alone with your bag.

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