Chapter 13 : First And Last

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Warning: Contains adult content.

I have decided not to talk to him or even to look at him. He would change everything with a single smile. I should avoid him maybe the separation would make him realize his love for me.

I went to the kitchen to make breakfast but I was lazy to cook, so decided to eat cereal.
"Hey beautiful! Did you sleep well?"
'Stick to your plan Radha, remember no eye contact'
I told myself. I ignored him and I reached for the top cupboard for cereal box. He came in from behind and took it for me.
"Here" he handed over the box. I took it from his hands, avoiding his eyes.
"You are not going to talk to me?"
I proceeded to fill my bowl with cereal.
"Are you serious? Come on look at me" he turned my body facing him. He tried to lift my face with his fingers to meet his eyes. I tried to avoid by looking at the wall.
"Talk to me baby" he asked in a soft voice. I looked at him surprised almost about to question him 'Baby?' he never called me that, but I controlled myself.
"Yes baby, because you're acting like one"
'Can he hear my thoughts? Avert your eyes Radha. This is what he does, some  sort of magic to make you weak and vulnerable in front of him.'
I looked at a far away object and stood motionless like a statue.
"So you'll not talk no matter what?"
He grabbed my body by my waist, pressing my body against his. Our face close together. He bent down his head to match my height. Our noses almost about to touch.
'What does he expect me to do? Quiver on his every touch? Who does he think he is? Radha do not be weak, stay strong'
I stood still not moving a muscle. The longer I tried to stay calm, the weaker I became. I held my breathing in, I know how wild it goes, with him up close like this. I didn't know how long I could hold it in. I could feel his breathing hot and heavy. He kissed my forehead, my eyes, my nose, my cheeks, my lips. At first I stood still because of anger but then my anger turned into desire. Now I didn't want to move, because I didn't want him to stop. He bit my lips and suckled on it like it was a delicious fruit. I couldn't hold my breathing any more, it joined his breathing in being rogue. He kissed my chin and proceeded to move down. He kissed the side of my neck and then my ears. He whispered in my ears "Please stop me before I do anything you don't like"
I said nothing not because I didn't want to talk to him but because I didn't want to stop him. He took advantage of my silence and proceeded down kissing all my visible skin. I was wearing a floral shirt and peach knee length skirt. He lifted me up and made me sit on the kitchen counter. Legs apart with him in the middle. He kissed me near the top button of my shirt. He didn't try to unbutton it. He went on to kiss my body over my shirt. He hugged me placing his head in the middle of my breasts. He slowly moved his head towards my left breasts, gently running his index finger on the tip and kissed it.
He looked disappointed a little but he was happy to see me talk. Our eyes locked in frozen for a moment.

I unbuttoned my shirt. He was surprised. "What are you doing?"
I didn't know how to put it in words. I wanted to show my body to him. I wanted him to kiss me everywhere. But I said nothing as I unbuttoned my shirt. I was wearing a nude bra. I reached for the hook.
"You sure"
I nodded. I used to be a shy girl but not anymore. There's no hiding anymore.
I removed my bra with my shirt loosely hanging on. I wasn't comfortable being naked but the desire to show him broke all the discomforts. He stood hesitant. I took his right hand and placed it on my chest. He gently touched it, on his touch my nipple became harder. He arched my body behind, bent over and kissed my nipple. It made me feel tingling down there. I was happy to see him enjoy my body. He kissed me everywhere. I put my hands around his neck and I kissed him. This was the first time I initiated a kiss. It was passionate. Our bodies became sweaty and hot. Our lungs struggling for oxygen. I could feel his penis growing bigger and harder pressed against my body. I moved my body little to feel up on it. I was shy to touch it. He slid his hands inside my skirt to pull my panties down. Before making any move he looked at me to make sure that I was okay with it. I saw the whole thing when he put condom on it. It was big. I wondered how it will fit inside me. He slowly tried to fill me in. Moving in slow motion, it was the most pleasurable experience in my life. He made me feel that pleasure multiple times. We did it on the counter, on the kitchen floor. We got tired so we decided to sleep. By the time we reached bedroom we changed our minds and had sex again. I can't remember how many times we had sex that Sunday. After hours of sex, we finally slept with our tired bodies interlocked.

We woke up in the evening around 4. We were both naked under the sheets. I felt comfortable with him naked or not. He was drawing shapes on my shoulder. I turned the other side facing him. He pulled me closer to place a soft kiss on my lips.
"I'm not a Virgin any more"
"Are you serious?"
"Did you forget the first time I forced you?"
"oh that happened right, I totally forgot"
"Yes. Everything is forgiven and forgotten."
"I'm very sorry that I behaved like that. I will never do such a thing to you."
"I believe you." I said. "This does feel like my first time"
"Yeah? Did you like it?"
"Yes. You?" I poked his nose as I asked
"Best Sex Ever. After not having sex for months, it feels like, it was all worth it"
"I can't believe we spent the whole day having sex"
"What time is it? 4 PM like in the evening?"
We both laughed
"I'm hungry"
"Let me order something"
While he was searching for food online. I asked him if I can wear his shirt.
"Why do you ask? Just wear it. Everything mine is now yours Radha"
My perfect husband can only make me feel this happy. I was on cloud nine that day. Little did I know that it would be my first and last time.

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