"How?" I ask nervously, a little worried I'm going to look like an idiot.

"Act like I'm about to attack you, and come for me."

I shake my head, it's not that easy. "What if I hurt you?"

The laugh that forms from his lips is music to my ears, even at the expense of making fun of me. "You... hurt... me." He doubles over, "Emilia, just do it." I shake my head, I don't even see the point in this, what could I even do to someone who really was attacking me?

He smiles, "Pretend I kissed someone else."

I scoff, "That doesn't make me want to hit you, it makes me want to cry."

He thinks for a moment, "Okay, imagine I'm the bad guy. Now me, Aiden, is standing behind you, and someones trying to kill him."

I lunge, trying my hardest to fight, but all I know to do is try and tackle this goliath of a man. My body slams into his, and I fall to the ground. He doesn't move an inch.

He crouches down, offering me a hand. "Are you okay baby?" Worry lines crease on his forehead, "Maybe this isn't a good idea I don't want you to get hurt."

I stand and shake off my nerves, "No, I'm not a flower. Bruises heal, we need this." I plead.

He presses his body against mine, I can feel the skin of his bare chest radiating through the thin material of my tank top. He bends down to whisper in my ear, "I only like to push you around in the bedroom, are you sure this is okay?"


We spend the next hour with him teaching me how to dodge a punch, and how to properly throw one. Although, I feel like my punches won't do much as he didn't even flinch when I hit him. I sighed, about to raise the white flag and he graciously bent over in "pain" on my last hit.

He nods approvingly after we finish, "Okay, I think you've got the basics down... now you need to disarm me."

I look at his hand, "Disarm you of what?"

He grabs a rock nearby, and puts it to my temple. "Pretend this is a gun, what do you do Em?" He pauses, hesitating. "I hate this, I hate that you're having to fucking do this. You're to pure to be wrapped up in my bullshit."

I form a smile on my lips, trying to hold it together. "Aiden, all of this probably isn't necessary, just look at it as bonding."

He scoffs, "bonding? I should be bonding with you with dates and dancing not teaching you how to protect yourself. This is all so fucked!"

I bring my voice to a calm tone, "it's okay, babe."

"Emilia! I was holding a fucking rock to your head pretending it was a gun because THAT is a possibility for you if you don't run the fuck away from me. Do you not get that?" He bellows, there are no leaves for his words to bounce off of for an echo, they just disappear into the forest.

I walk towards him slowly, throwing my arms around his neck and staring deeply into his jade eyes. "You would never let me get that close to danger, this is for fun... okay?" I lie, trying to diffuse his freak out.

I grab his hand, bringing it to my head, he shakes off his fears as I think about what to do.

My line of sight goes from my shoe to his crotch, he notices. "Exactly, no need to do that to me." He laughs nervously, his body still rigid with worry. "But that's exactly what you need to do. Hit them in the balls and run away in a zig-zag motion, or bring your fist down on their wrist hard if you're able."

I'm exhausted, and even though it's cold out I'm burning up. I collapse onto the dry grass, thinking about how nice my shower will be. Aiden sits down, studying me.

"We're doing this daily, breaks on weekends. I think you're onto something with this, it will make me feel better you knowing how to fight."

Silence creeps through the meadow, I've been thinking about this non-stop but I was too nervous to say anything, "You know the night of the charity ball?"

He smiles, remembering the good parts, the part I'm talking about. He slides up to me, his hair sits flush above his black eyebrows. "What about it? Wanna go again?"

"While we were..." I blush, "and I told you to, ya know-"

"You begged for me to cum inside of you." He deadpans, a smirk tilting on his face.

"Thank you for... not." I say, and watch his face fall. "Not because I don't want kids with you!" I assure him, kissing his cheek. "I just want us to not be in danger first, and... I always imagined I would be married but that's not to say you should propose right now, im not trying to force you into anything im just saying what I would prefer down the line whe- he cuts off my rambling with a finger to my lips.

"And that's exactly why I didn't. I want those things too, Emilia. When the time is right." He winks, causing chills throughout my body.

"We're going to be okay, Emilia. You know that right?" He pulls me into his lap and gently plays with my hair as we cool down from our work out in the cool January air.


I'm SO excited to hear your thoughts on the published version of Aiden!!

A few have asked if AIDEN will be removed or made paid, those along with other questions will be answered here:

• Will the published version be different? •

It will be better! I hired an incredible editor who worked hand in hand with me to make it the same story you love, but with added content and a polished manuscript. Any book I publish will always have an epilogue, so you can look forward to that too! 😉

• Are you taking it off of WattPad? •

Absolutely not! This story will always be free for you guys on here :) and it will not be a paid story. If you want a paperback to hold or the ebook to have at all times, it would make me the happiest girl in the world! if you just want to purchase to support ya girl, it will mean the world to me and for the publication of Emilia which is my ultimate goal!

• Will you be adding the extended chapters/edited version/epilogue on WattPad •

No, this version will remain as it is. If I delete or edit anything I'll lose all of your wonderful comments! Plus, there's something intriguing about this staying on here unedited and as a well loved rough draft.

📚 Okay enough Q & A, Where can I buy it!? 📚

It is available WORLDWIDE through Kindle!

And you can buy your beautiful paperback copies through Amazon!

♥️See y'all Tuesday!♥️

Emilia ✔️ NOW PUBLISHED! Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat