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Beomgyu is an angle that is assigned to guide Kai through life.


When Beomgyu first got his assignment he was ecstatic. He had finally proven himself worthy to take on God's work and shape a mortal soul. He just about zoomed down to earth before God grabbed him by the wings. "Hold on, watching over him is only half of it. You must guide the new soul to it's vessel." Beomgyu cocked his head at that, then smiled. "Where is he? I want to start as soon as possible!" He exclaimed. God shook his head with a find smile. "Here, you can take him down now. I'm sure you two will find your place." Beomgyu smiled cupping the small squishy soul. "I won't let you down sir!"


Turns out guiding a soul wasn't as easy as he thought. The soul kept wanting to squirm out of his hands and bounce around from place to place. Beomgyu had to save him from jumping into body's that didn't belong to him several times.

Beomgyu had just about had enough when he heard a lady cry out. She was going into labor in the middle of the street. The soul looked at her with starry eyes. Beomgyu felt a pull on his robes. The soul wanted to watch.

So they followed the woman to the hospital where she gave birth to a human without a soul. The world stopped as the soul got closer to him. Beomgyu tried to grab him but the soul was to close. He had chosen this vessel for his existence.

Beomgyu smiled at the child, the soul didn't remember him but Beomgyu would remember the soul. He kissed the baby and whispered his holy name to him. The woman's eyes widened and she let out a cry of praise. Beomgyu left the babe and flew out the window. He needed to report to the man upstairs.


When Beomgyu returned to the crib he learned that the baby was named Kai Kamal Huening and he couldn't contain his happiness at the perfection of the name. He almost picked him up again but a hand touched his shoulder. He looked to his side to see another angle. He was older and more experienced looking. "Don't mess with the humans unless you have to. We don't want the humans to be disturbed by it." Beomgyu nodded his head and looked away sheepishly. He still had a lot to learn.


The years passed fast and Kai grew well. Beomgyu found his place among the angels of the house and everything was comfortable. Until that day.

Kai had been out playing with his sisters and neighborhood friends near the road. Beomgyu saw this but he figured the big kids wouldn't let him go there. He watched fondly at the kids knowing that they would never let something happen to Kai. He was the baby after all. Yet, they just kept getting closer to the road. Then a car flew down the road going way to fast. It narrowly missed on of the kids and they backed off. The other angles told him not to worry. They said the kids would be fine, but Beomgyu felt like he needed to watch. His instincts were right. Kai was running out to the road as a car zoomed. It moved in slow motion and Beomgyu zipped to him. He felt himself become real as he pushed Kai out of the way. Kai tumbled to the grass in front of his house and Beomgyu felt pain everywhere. He was hurt but as soon as the kids saw him he disappointed. They all ran to Kai to scold him instead. Beomgyu breathed a sigh of relief. He might have hurt himself but he was a fast healer and it was worth it. Kai was safe. That was all that mattered.


Beomgyu continued to watch over Kai as he moved through the grades. He went through phases of course and me moved from person to person, always making friends and always leaving a good impact on those around him. Beomgyu held Kai when he went through his first break up and watched over him as he coughed through his first (and last) cigarette. But of course as always he found his match in a man named Choi Soobin. Beomgyu didn't like Soobin at first, the way came across rubbed him the wrong way but he quickly realized that Soobin was a big goofball and the perfect person for his Kai. Beomgyu might have been a bit biased though because his best friend Yeonjun was Soobin's angle. Beomgyu thought that everything was perfect finally.

Until it wasn't.


Kai had been living with Soobin while he was finishing college and Soobin was finishing grad school. They had been in love. At least that's what Beomgyu thought. Until one night Soobin came home late. Beomgyu could smell it and he knew something was wrong. Soobin was never late, he was always on time and he always ate with Kai. Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu with anger, Beomgyu wanted to ask but he couldn't. Not yet.

This started to become more frequent and Kai was finally catching on. The fight was inevitable and he knew that Kai had real reason for worry. He had no clue what was going on. Of course Soobin was defensive and tired and the situation was blown out of proportion. Kai stormed off to a local bar. Beomgyu waited outside not wanting to see his pure soul tarnished and hurt. When Kai came out he wasn't alone. He was drunk with some guy and they were all over each other. Beomgyu needed to leave, so he did. He went to talk to God. 

When he returned the tension at the house was overwhelming. Soobin was devastated and Kai was beyond hurt. Kai left and Soobin was left with a ring and a broken heart.


After that it was a blur for Beomgyu. Party after party, club after club with this new guy. Kai was being drawn deeper into the terrible situation and Beomgyu couldn't save him. He did his best to guide Kai but nothing would work. So he took matters into his own hands. He appeared to Kai in a dream. They talked and Kai was so thankful. Something changed.


Kai started to go to church and even started to become very devout. He left the new guy and the party life and moved to a place closer to his church. He worked with the children of the church and got a job working for an old lady of the church. He felt free and Beomgyu appeared to Kai every night and they became very close. Beomgyu continued to guide Kai but he could feel the anguish he still felt over his lost love, but he didn't know what to do. He needed guidence and went to the only person he knew he could. He flew to God.

When he got there God told him to go back immediately but Beomgyu didn't understand until a loud scream caught his ear. Beomgyu raced down to earth but it was too late. His beautiful soul, his beautiful friend was dead. Kai was scared he was crying when Beomgyu got there. There stood the man who had killed him. Standing over the body. Beomgyu wanted to beat him damn him to hell but Kai was scared and sobbing. He needed more attention than the murder. So he scooped him up in his arms and took him to the clouds. Kai was distraught but Beomgyu comforted him.

"What's happening?" Kai asked

"Your- well- you-" Beomgyu took a deep breath. "You died." Kai's eyes widened. "It's ok. Your ok now." Beomgyu tried to comfort.

Kai looked up with a different sort of tears in his eyes. "I get to be with you now? Right?" He sounded sad but also happy.

Beomgyu smiled, "Yeah you can stay with me now."

Kai grinned and took his hand, "Then let's get going!"


Ok so this isn't the voted on prompt I'm sorry. But I honestly couldn't write it and idk why. So here's something I thought was better. Hope you enjoyed. And yes I'm back!

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