viii. Neil Burman

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Saturday Morning
8 am , Neil's apartment

i hate my neighbors , who blasts music this early in the morning? i need to move , i groaned as i put the pillow over my head & tried to go back to sleep , i hate it here!
ring ring
" morning "
" your cheery today " she laughed , she sounds happy
" i hate my neighbors " i groaned again.
" you want me to shoot them ? for you i'll shoot them. " ahh she's joking too huh ? i chuckled , sometimes i wonder if she really would.
" no i think they'll get kicked out soon . one can dream "
" then who would stop you from sleeping in every weekend. i think they should stay , what is it today country? jazz ? "
" 80's rock , the 80s .. what a horrible decade. "
" why do you hate the 80s so much? you were almost born in the 80s "
" bite your tongue , i probably would lie about my age. "
" yea you would. now get up , its time to go fishing. & i refuse to be alone with these people any longer lets get a move on "
oh no. its the first saturday of september .. last day of the fishing season for grandpa wynters.
" idk think i might have to pass this year , i feel sick , cough cough "
" Neil Andrew Burman , you get ya butt out of that bed & you come down here & save me or so help you i'll come drag you out that bed. "
" idk its kinda comfy.. you might get stuck in it as well , its too dangerous stay with gramps "
" ohh no you don't. gramps i'll be back . neil is having car trouble going to get him "
" don't you come here. i'm locking my door "
" go head i have a key " she jingled her keys for emphasis.
" im taking the handle off. "
" you won't. you'd have to call a locksmith to get out "
" i'll think of something to lock you out. "
" you never learn. i am houdini. i will get in there "
" you going to scale the side of the building. "
" my nickname is spider. i have some climbing gear in the car. don't make me. "
" oh c'mon , he keeps us out all day listening to nothing but nature & his breathing. "
" pls don't make me suffer alone , who else will make jokes in my ear & tickle me as i fight off a laugh , its boring without you. i need my fishing partner. "
that was the cutest beg ever. i'm already up & getting my stuff together , but i'll make her think she cracked me
" ok ok fine.. but you owe me "
" anything. thank you thank you thank you "
i can imagine the cheesy smile on her smooth tan face & those pearly white teeth , pink plump lips & a smile that can light up a room
" did you hear me neil? "
" sorry i spaced , what you say "
" i said im 15 mins away. be ready "
" oh ok , buzz when your here. "
a day with her in a small boat with her grandfather .. this should be interesting.

2 pm , Lake Geneva

its been hours sitting in this damn boat , i wish it would rain already. i'm bout tired of being here , Maliya has been fighting her sleep , the sounds of nature is like the worlds best lullaby when your trying not to sleep.
" spider "
" hmm "
" its time to go "
" finally , i need a comfy bed. "
" & a shower. "
" you saying i smell burman " her eyes pierced mine
" no i uh i was talking bout me & you know since e been out in the sun in the lake - "
her face softened into a smile " i was only joking , " she turned to her grandpa & placed a hand gingerly on his shoulder " hey grandpa , come on. time to head back , we promised mom we'd be back for a late lunch & it's after 2. "
" ok , thanks for coming with me. ya know it's just so peaceful out here & i hate sitting out here alone , makes me think of Patricia. i miss her , everyday & you guys help fill my saturday's until next season. "

now i feel like an ass.

" well maybe sometime we'll come over & play some games with you , cook you some food & keep you company for awhile , hoes that sound "
" Neil that's really sweet of you to offer. "
" you keep this one around i like him. he's not like the other guy , "
what other guy.. is he senile
" what guy "
" who was that young man maliya "
" no one important grandpa , lets get you to the house so we can eat. "
we rowed back to shore & kept thinking bout this other guy.. this must be the guy who hurt her..

we arrived at the Wynters estate almost around 5 , DC weekend traffic , sheesh. as we pulled in i woke Maliya who dosed off in the backseat
" spider c'mon wake up were here "
" carry me , i sleepy "
" girl get ya butt up. "
" pweaaaaaass " she poked her lip out & i damn near melted inside , had to catch my damn breath. i scooped her up & she immediately linked her arms around my neck for support
" such a baby " my baby. whoa whoa whoa .
" now why you carrying that girl ? she didn't even do anything " Mr Wynters laughed as he opened the door for me
" she didn't wanna get up " i laid her on the couch in the seating area before going back to the car to finish unloading the fishing gear.
" let me help ya out , how was it ? was he ok? " he asked as we put the things into the shed.
" yeah. towards the end he got sad & started talking about Patricia , but for the most part he was ok. "
" really ? good , he's been missing her a lot more these days "
" yeah .. he mentioned an ex of Maliya's , didn't know she had one , she seemed a little taken back that he even remembered , just brushed it off "
" oh , Brian.. yeah , she has to tell you that one herself. not my story to tell , but if i had a free pass to kill anyone with no consequences it would be him. " he shook his head as he walked back towards the main house & i followed .
he wants to kill him , must be something extremely bad. she'll tell me when she's ready.
once back inside the house i looked for Maliya since she was no longer asleep on the couch.
i looked all over & not spotting her i went around back towards the pool house. she converted that into her little girl cave when she was in high school , she's probably in there changing.
i knocked but she didn't answer so i walked in , hearing the shower on i didn't bother to look any further. i turned on the tv then sat & waited , my mind wandered & i thought of what it would be like if i stopped being a chicken & told her my true feelings for her. i shook the thoughts from my head as she walked into the livingroom , the scent of mangoes lingering in the air .
" hey. what you watching? "
" criminal minds , but think im gonna go shower. i smell like lake & you smell like fruit . not nice "
" sorry. i couldn't take it anymore . " she laughed as she released her hair from the towel on her head. allowing her natural hair to cascade down her back as she allowed her hair to air dry a little more before adding her products.
" if you got your bag out the car you can just use the bathroom here , no need to walk back to the house "
" you sure ? "
" yeah , for sure . you'll just smell like a tropical breeze "
" very funny. but i packed my own soap. "
" the infamous body wash , if it goes missing from your bag i didn't do it. "
" you don't touch my body wash woman "
" i'll think about it man , ima make a snack you want some fruit salad "
" yeah sure , ill be back gonna jump in the shower real quick. "
" take ya time stinky "
" oh you're hilarious wynters " i grabbed my bag from by the door & walked back towards the bathroom , slowly to hear her hum a song as she chopped up some fruit.
i closed the door & turned on the shower , letting it heat up some before stripping out my clothes & stepping in. i washed up & turned the water off , grabbing my towel as i stepped out the shower
rummaging thru my bag trying to find my damn clothes.
" Maliya "
" yeah "
" you steal my shirt ?! "
" i have no idea what you're talking about burman "
she definitely stole my damn shirt. 2 can play this game , i put on my underwear & jeans , socks & shoes , allowing my jeans to sit low on my hips.
i exited the bathroom & walked into the front room.
" woman where is my shirt "
she turned around laughing & as her eyes raked over me she dropped my shirt on the ground.
" Maliya "
" .. "
" Mal "
" .. "
" Spider "
" huh .. what ? oh wow .. umm , shit . oh uhh here "
that worked , make ya move burman.
" now maliya "
" na im cool uhh , your fruits on the table "
" mally "
" hmm "
" your staring "
" i am not , see " she looked me in my eyes & her eyes twinkled , what the hell was that ?
" its ok. "
" no its not , that was inappropriate "
" mal . its ok , even thou you broke our promise "
" what promise? "
" the promise we made , at the diner "
" but i'm not keeping a secret "
" you're a good liar but you can't fool me spider. " i pulled my shirt over my head as she tried to laugh it off. but now i know , with some certainty she feels the same way.
" oh this is the episode where JJ goes all kick ass on izzy "
" one of the best episodes ever "

i'm going to wait until the right time to tell her.

ok y'all. more action coming up.
im just trying to give y'all some insight into Maliya & Neil's friendship.
Maliya's ex Brian , whats y'all thoughts on that ? should i give a flashback about that?
i have some crazy ass IDEAS for this book.
i may change the format a little but it's about to get crazy.

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