vii. Maliya Wynters

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2 months later
FBI Field Office - Assistant Director Shepherd's Office
" Assistant Director , with all due respect , I Am Ready " i was trying to talk my way out of desk duty . i was shot , i recovered , now let me do my damn job.
" Agent Wynters , im just not sure if you're "
" Assistant Director Shepherd , yes i , a woman , was shot , i recovered , i am back to top physical shape , i have been cleared by every dr you sent me to , i am no longer on pain meds since day 3 of my discharge from the hospital , i am no longer willing to sit behind that damn desk when i know i could've been out in the field. do not make me jump through any more loops just bc my father is babying me , i am fine. ask any one of the agents from the sparring mat who tried to use my wound as a weakness & failed bc i am fine ! "
" ok Maliya . no more desk duty , get back to work "
" Thank you. finally some damn field work "
i stood from my seat & smoothed out my shirt as i proceeded to walk out the office . oh God Neil is at my desk , what do i say .. he probably just wants to know how the talk went , calm down Maliya.
" hey bugs " too cheery relax
" hey spider , how'd it go ? "
" oh the usual "
" he shot you down again ? i'll go talk to him again "
" no bugs , no need. i have been lifted from this hell desk "
" niice , did you do the speech "
" yes but i left out the part where i'd report him to hr. good choice "
we shared a laugh as he laughed he crossed his arms over his chest & everything flexed , the chest , his arms , damn what the hell Maliya snap out of it. ever since that day i've been noticing more & more of Neil. i mean yeah the feelings were always there but the thought of him now sends me into overdrive & i have to contain myself. this shit is ridiculous.
" spider "
" huh ? "
" you ok ? "
" yea uh .. uh huh . ima uh go get something to drink .. you want ? "
" yea sure , "
oh shit , great wow is it hot in here ?
" Mal you sure you good ? your doing that thing "
" what thing "
" that thing where you bite your lip & scrunch up your nose when your deep in thought "
" oh uh .. jus thinking bout this case im working on. its gone cold & i fear the family will never get the justice they deserve "
" we can't solve em all. the cold case division makes sure to always revisit the cases , it won't be forgotten "
" i know. "
we made it to the break room & i grabbed my gatorade out the fridge while he grabbed a water.
" hey bugs "
" yeah "
" can i ask you a serious question "
" yeah , wassup "
he took a drink of his water his hazel eyes never leaving my gaze & i dipped my gatorade.. yikes just ask maliya..
" why do you never date ? & don't give me that crap you pull with our mothers "
" well .. this work is hectic , not everyone understands that. not everyone is willing to date for marriage anymore. it's all one night stands or just casual hook ups. i want a wife , someone who'll make me fratatas & smoothies bc im a terrible cook. who won't get mad at the fact that i sometimes forget to put things back where they go. i want to live with my heart. not with convenience. "
girl you make him fratatas & smoothies.. he just described you.
" so what's your perfect girl "
" maliya are you trying to set me up? bc if you are you should know im not over someone "
" o-oh .. ok " wow disappointment. who hurt him
" mal , what's wrong "
" huh oh nothing i'm just thinking again sorry. i uh could get back to work... see you later "
" maliya "
i kept walking back to my desk & sat down
ring ring , ring ring
" agent wynters. nice of you to rejoin the field work. welcome back "
" you again. what do you want "
" i have a proposition for you "
" ok? "
" i need you to look up something for me. "
" no. good bye "
i hung up & proceeded to continue my work

breaking news , an active shooter has terrorized a local coffee shot injuring 5 people before grabbing a coffee & leaving.

what the hell kind of -
ring ring , ring ring
now i know damn well
" you did not "
" oh but i did ms wynters. do not ever hang up on me again & refuse my propositions. now look up the st margarets cathedral & tell me what you see "
" nothing. nothing remotely interesting except mass , which i recommend you attend bc you need some serious help. "
" meet me there in an hour. "
this man is going to stop hanging up on me. giving me orders like a damn drill Sargent. he lucky it's my damn lunch break & im hungry anyways.
i walked down to my car & drive to st margaret's cathedral. the nuns were headed back into the convent next door for lunch & i walked up the steps in through the double doors. dipped my fingertips into the holy water , did my prayer & sat in a pew in a back.

" are you agent wynters "
this couldn't be him. he knows who i am
" yes "
" a gentleman left this for you. told me to tell you to look beyond the facts "
" thank you father. "
" may the lord protect you as you protect us. "
" amen "
i grabbed the manila envelope & walked back to my car. once inside i drive to the nearest restaurant bc i was starving.
" hey siri "
" i'm listening " my damn phone answered me . will never not be creepy
" call Neil Burman "
" calling neil burman bunny head "
i cracked up laughing , they really say emoji's too oh wow.
" you better have a good reason for storming out on me spider. "
can't tell him. not till this is over.
" meet me at the diner down the block from st margaret's cathedral . "
" that was vague. give me 10 mins , order me something i'm starving. Sasha tried to make me eat a veggie burger. "
" there not bad. "
" she got it from the cafe. no ma'am , i will never eat anything the FBI provides , not since "
" i know , not since they got you in training. i'll order you some chicken fingers little baby. "
" i am not a baby. i rebuke that statement . "
" God gone strike us dead "
" im his favorite fallen angel "
" ok lucifer , you want a tea or lemonade "
" surprise me. ill be there in 5. "
" cool , see ya then "

i sat the phone down as a waitress approached me
" hello my name is Tina i will be your server today , what can i getcha. "
" i'll start off with two lemonade ice teas , little ice , 2 burgers , an order of fries & an order of onion rings. "
" will that be all "
" yeah for now. thank you "
" no problem dear. i'll be right back with your drinks. "

she walked off & Neil came in minutes later, dressed in a white shirt & tie , no jacket & navy blue slacks .. wow , ok drooling Maliya get it together.
" hey spidy "
" hey buggsy "
" cute. "
" no . not in the slightest. "
" so wassup "
" Neil i- "
" here you are darling , 2 lemonade ice teas , light ice. your food will be out soon "
" thank you tina "
i took a sip & it was good. nice & cold too.
" continue "
" right. umm .. he called again "
" who call- Maliya "
" i know he wanted to meet at the church , so i went he ofc was a no show left a package with the pastor. like a coward. i'm getting my profile together of this guy . little by little "
" what was in the package "
" haven't opened it , remember that coffee house shooting this morning "
" yeah they haven't caught the guy. it was him? "
" yup bc i hung up on him. imagine what he'll do if i stop playing his game . "
" its time to loop your dad in. "
" no there's no way. he still babying me from being shot. soon but not right now. "
" come on. he should know your risking your life over some guy playing like he's a god. "
" soon bugs i promise. "
" if you don't , you get a tattoo of Spider on your hairline. easy to hide "
" deal , but you get a bunny head somewhere too. "
" the day we get married is the day i'll get that. "
" oh really " i scoffed bc no way he's telling the truth
oh he's joking. but he looks serious
" neil. your serious? "
" as a heart attack "
" ok . 2 burgers , order of fries & onion rings. enjoy if you need anything else just give a holler. "
does that mean he feels the same way .. na he prolly just means as a back up plan or something
" make me a deal "
he nodded , as he stuffed a fry into his mouth. he's so cute
" promise me , no matter what , no secrets. no matter the topic , no matter how we think the other will react , no secrets. "
" promise. "
he held out his pinky & i put mine up too , we hooked them together & then laughed as we did our handshake.

i'm in love with my bestfriend , one day i'll tell him

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