Revasan //Modern Solas x Lavellan//

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It had been a long day for you, and he knew it.

When you had returned last night, later than him, he knew your clients had strung you dry throughout the day- battered you as if you were a robot, incapable of human feelings.

You had walked in last night, and crawled into bed with all your clothes on, the only item you had the strength to take off had been your shoes, while the rest stayed. He didn't know that until he had woken up this morning, and delicately stripped you of your clothes, and tucked you lovingly into the warm covers.

A saddened smile had been on his face, he hated seeing you like this, so exhausted and worn out. But days like these happened, and he knew exactly how to brighten you back up.

Coffee had always been something Solas detested, the taste being purely bitter to him, as well as his desire to be able to sleep without issues always keeping him away from it.

But you, you loved it. You would often drink cups on cups a day, sometimes even before you went to bed.

It baffled him to see you down an entire cup, then crawl into bed with him with the smell still lingering on your breath.

He used to hate the smell, but the moment it clung to your frame, your breath, almost like a mist cascading around you.. He began to accept it.

The only time he enjoyed the taste of coffee, was when he was kissing you, and the taste lingered on your lips and tongue, the flavor unexpectedly sweet every single time.

The taste became like a drug to him, and unknowingly to you, he was hooked.

So on days like this, he knew that the both of you could benefit greatly from one small cup of coffee.

Something just felt so right when someone else made your coffee, or perhaps it was just the way Solas had observed you closely whenever you would make your own, memorizing just how much sugar and cream you had put in to make the perfect concoction.

So when the sweet, rich aroma filled the air, traveling all the way from the kitchen, to the very bed you lay in, you couldn't help yourself to emerge from your sweet slumber, and begin to stir.

As you slipped out of bed, your feet hitting the cool wooden floors, you began to shiver, the cool air hitting your bare skin as the covers were removed from your body. For a moment, you briefly considered laying back down, ignoring the smell of pure bliss to stay in the comfortable warmth the bed had provided.

But you decided that perhaps a nice hot cup of coffee was the perfect balance.

So, as you got out of bed and wandered over to your closet, you carefully picked out a shirt that was purposely to large, just so you could avoid wearing pants- however, you did put on some undergarments as to not flash your lover.

Although, it isn't as if he hasn't seen anything before.

Making your way out of the bedroom, the smell only intensified, until the very moment your bare feet hit the kitchen floor, your eyes being met with the love of your life, brewing you a cup of coffee.

It was almost shocking how simple such a task could be, yet it could fill someone's heart to the brim. All he had to do was stand there, and make you a simple cup of coffee... yet the way he seemed so focus on getting the perfect amount of sugar, the perfect amount of cream... it was oddly amusing, and just made you love him that bit more. If possible.

As you watched him, he began to hum gently, his hips swaying ever so slightly as if an imaginary song was playing aloud, a smile dancing on his face as he stared longingly at the brewed coffee, his mind clearly wandering.

He seemed so lost in thought, that despite those elvhen ears being known for catching the slightest of sounds, he didn't hear as you slowly crept up behind him, your eyes trained on the back of his head as your moved closer.

Once you were close enough, you slipped your arms around his waist, embracing him lovingly and pressing your face against his back, a tired and content sigh passing your lips as your eyes flutter closed, your hands gently gripping the soft fabric of his shirt.

For a quick moment, an expression of shock passed his face, before the smile returned to his face, a grin quickly replacing it.

"Ma Vhenan..." He whispered, a chuckle passing his lips, feeling you bury your face into his back, a soft laugh emitting as you snuggled in close. You let out a yawn not to long after, leaning against him until you felt your arms being removed.

Releasing your grip in confusion, you quickly find yourself in a firmer, warmer embrace, Solas' arms wrapping around your waist, one hand resting in the middle of your back, while the other relaxed on your bottom.

He smiled down at you as your eyes traveled up to meet his, his blue eyes shining in the soft sun rays that peeked in through the kitchen window.

"Ar lath ma, Vhenan... being in your arms..." He trailed off, leaning down to connect your lips together with his, arms squeezing you closer.

As he pulled away from the all to short kiss, his breath gently fanning across your delicate lips.
"Being in your arms... is my Revasan." He whispered, his eyes opening to look into yours, love just radiating through those delicate blue eyes of his.

A sweet smile came to your lips, a giggle soon following as your pressed your lips against his for a blissful moment.
"Place where freedom dwells.." you translated, your voice just above a whisper as your arms gently tightened around his torso, pulling him in for yet another kiss, this one lasting much longer than the previous two.

His hands held you close, leaning so much into the kiss, that in the end you were solely relying on him to keep you up, him holding you as if you two had just performed a dip in a dance.

Your arms had moved from Solas' torso up to wrap around his neck to keep yourself up, almost feeling your feet being swept up from underneath you, which at one point, they were.

You had broken the kiss to gasp out for air, your cheeks flushed as you tried to catch your breath, only to have it taken away as Solas carefully picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, and carefully moved you to where you sat gingerly on the counter top next to your coffee.

"Vhenan.." Solas whispered, his lips trailing from your lips down to your jaw- before you stopped him.

"Calm down, wolfie." You teased, lightly pushing his chest. "Coffee is getting cold." You grinned, picking up the barely steaming cup of coffee that Solas had previously worked on for you.

With a grin to his playfully upset pout, you pulled him close with your legs that wrapped around him, taking a sip of your coffee.

"You're almost as good as your coffee." You whispered with a sly smirk, eyes narrowing teasingly at the male before you.

Needless to say, Solas made you regret those words...

And the coffee was left alone, now cold. 

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