I turned off my phone and exhaled deeply and turned my head towards him and there he sat, vacancy in his eyes again.

I clicked my fingers in front of his face and he snapped out of his reverie and his eyes shot to me, studying my new appearance. 

'This new look suits you, you know' he aburptly blurted out.

I sheepishly accepted the compliment with a quiet 'thank you'

'What made you change your appearance?' he asked, looks like he didn't want to hold anything back. 

'Uhh well' I started off, I might as well open up a bit if I want to pursue a friendship then a relationship.. ugh if only the voice in my head shut up for once.

'Well I changed my appearance because I want to feel more beautiful' I responded, he mumbled something underneath his breath. I looked at him questionably and he just shrugged it off.

'And I' I spoke up again. 'I also changed my appearance because I wanted to make sure my ex regrets cheating on me'

As soon as he heard the word 'ex' his head shot up and looked straight at me in shock.

'Why are you looking at me like that? Shocked that a girl like me' hand gesturing my person 'can have a boyfriend?'  

He shook his head 'No, no I-I just am surprised that you got cheated on' he responded.

I laughed bitterly 'Getting cheated on is my love life in a sentence, I don't see why you're surprised about me getting cheated on' 

Harrison mumbled something again, which I couldn't really catch and he looked at me intently and asked 'Um why did he cheat on you?'

'Because I didn't want to give up my V-Card to him and he decided he can get it from elsewhere' I simply stated.

I exhaled deeply as Harrison was watching me and not saying a word, wow. I just realised that I never ever spoke about the whole ordeal properly, I just realised that I still have the burden on my shoulder. I should take this moment as a chance to let all my feelings out and get rid of this ordeal once and for all.

'You know..' I started off..

'This is not the first time it happened to me, my other exes done the same to me too but for the same reason, except for Cameron - the one we saw at the mall he is just an idiot and so was I. But when Caine cheated on me it hurt like mad, I should've saw this coming, I don't know why I didn't. The fact that he treated me like a princess whilst he was doing this was like a knife stabbed on my back. This just goes to show that even the ones that make you feel special, aren't special.' I said, all in one breath. Little did I know that my tears were flowing whilst I was saying this.

Harrison put his arm around my shoulder, which provided the warmth that I was lacking, usually I would be fangirling that he has his arms around me but my heart is too broken again to feel any sort of loving feeling. 

Harrison also laughed bitterly and said quietly 'I know how you feel, I had my fair share of exes and they all broke my heart, like you said the ones that made me feel special, aren't special' he exhaled deeply and he spoke again, 'the thing is, we trust too much and invest our feelings in something that shouldn't be invested in. 

If you give your trust to a person who does not deserve it, you actually give them the power to destroy you.. and you shouldn't do that. I know I'm not one to talk, but believe me I am practising what I am preaching.'


That was all I could think of, I never knew Harrison had this kind of deep, soft persona in him. 

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