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i updated sooner than I expected! sorry if it's late! I'm so happy that there are readers who are enjoying this story! Ilysm guysss♥


It's been a couple of weeks since the meal with the Kingsleys & also the 'communication' with Harrison through our bedroom windows.

Thankfully I didn't have to face any awkward situations like that again now that I've got blinds fitted in, which means he can't see me, but I can see him.

It's now Summer Vacation and I've been spending time with my friends and I introduced Paige to them, and they all embraced her quickly as if they have been friends for a looong time. We would hang out or have a sleepover atleast once a week at eachothers house and watch movies and pig out on food and be ourselves.

Tomorrow is Marques' birthday and he was finally gonna turn 18, I still haven't got his present yet as I am clueless on what to get for him. I remember my brother saying not to get him anything because him signing the papers to become our guardian is the best present he could ask for. But I'm not gonna take that, I have made it my mission to find him the perfect present for his birthday, something that can be a thank you present too, for him becoming our guardian.

I have planned to go to the mall later with Paige & Cherie since the rest of the girls are on vacation with their families.

We were all going to meet up at Paige's house so I made my way over to her place. I was just hoping that I don't see him , I wasn't up for his confusing behaviour, as I approached to the door I took a moment to assess my appearance do I look okay? Am I wearing cute clothes?  I frowned slightly, I don't know why I'm suddenly bothered about my appearance, I mean before when I was with that asshole I couldn't care less about how I looked. Not that I'm a messy person, it's just that Caine told me I looked good in everything and it made me feel warm, but I still took pride and care of my appearance. I brushed my thoughts off and knocked the door.

Please don't be him, please don't be him, please don't be hi-

"What do you want?" a stone cold voice made its way to my ears.

I groaned interally, why couldn't it be someone else gosh.

I looked up to see Harrison glaring at me in a way where I just wanna crawl back into bed and hide under the duvet. His eyes scanned me and made me feel uncomfortable, I squirmed slightly under his gaze. When he was done scanning me his eyes came in direct contact to mine.

I gulped and shortly responded making sure that I wasnt stuttering "I'm meeting up with Paige so we could go to the mall."

"Oh is that so?" he replied with a hint if sarcasm in his words.

"Yes now is she at home? Cause we were supposed to meet up in about.." I glanced down to look at my watch to look at the time "4 minutes."

Harrison exhaled heavily and looked back to call his sister.

"Paaaaaaige, your friend's here"

Your friend? I scoffed and said "Excuse me, I do have a name you know!" Harrison simply scowled at me in response and I quickly went schtum.

" Tell her I said 2 minutes!" she finally yelled back from upstairs.

"I think you've heard what she said so I don't need to repeat it for you." he said.

I rolled my eyes at him and just glared at him, I look like a weirdo waiting at the door, the least he could do is invite me in.

"Aren't you going to invite me in? Since I'm going to be waitiiiiing?" I whined. I just wanna go in and avoid this awkward moment with Harrison, whose just standing there smirking and staring at me, he must be enjoying my uncomfortableness if that is even a word.. sadistic prick.

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