Taeyong bit his bottom lip, nerves flaring up inside his veins. He didn't know how he felt about Jaehyun and whether or not he should hangout with him, but his impulse and gut feeling told him to.

The idea was a bit intimidating, however. A little voice in the back of his head told him he'd embarrass himself in front of the taller or that he'd make it uncomfortable for him. Taeyong didn't want it to be a miserable experience. What he did want was to put at least one good impression on Jaehyun, not the one he saw at the lodge. It seemed almost impossible for them to have a good time in his mind.

He pondered for awhile, his insecurities beginning to get the best of him.

9:20 AM
are you sure you want to go with me?

9:22 AM
I know I'm not the best to be around...

Taeyong waited in anticipation for Jaehyun to answer, expecting him to change his mind or tell him that he doesn't care if he were to go anymore. He decided to get out of bed and start the day to distract him, no matter how much he didn't want to.

9:30 AM
Of course I want to go w/you
Or else I wouldn't be asking

9:32 AM
I really do want to hangout with you taeyong
You don't have to act any particular way around me
I just miss you

11:12 AM
okay. you convinced me

11:13 AM

11:15 AM
I'm happy lol

Taeyong brushed a wisp of hair out of his face once the outside wind caught up to him, his black boots walking along a certain long sidewalk he'd traveled many times before. His dark brown eyes ran across at all the old shops  and thrift stores that aligned along the street in brick or cemented buildings, noticing that some went out of business.

That was one of the few differences from the past—Taeyong felt like he was back to being a sophomore in high school, idly strolling across the road as the cold wind wrapped at his hair and hit his cheeks. He remembered it very distinctly, because like clockwork, he'd skip last period and walk for hours along this same path, not wishing to sit inside a tedious hot classroom or go back home to his mother that would yell and his father who was never there.

Back then after a couple hours the police officers would come to find him and bring him back to his family. At first they didn't like Taeyong because of his way of rebelling, but after a few visits underneath the bridge downtown they grew to like the kid. He was just a teenager that was emotionally pressured and wrecked by his conservative parents.

So by the third 'search', they didn't even bother putting handcuffs on his wrists and occasionally took him out to get icecream before dropping him off with an assured, "see you tomorrow, kiddo".

There was a young officer named Taemin that Taeyong became particularly fond of; he always carried an understanding aura about him and never treated the boy roughly. Taeyong felt comfortable with the older and sometimes looked forward to their conversations. He talked to Taemin like he might've chattered to his parents after school, blurting out whatever happened that day and how 'annoying' Ms. Jun was in third period, or what assignments he was having anxiety about, or how he escaped Geometry class yet again.

Their banters were usually fairly entertaining, considering Taemin seemed to have a similar childhood and a carefree and humorous attitude about things that weren't serious. He understood Taeyong, and the boy cherished that so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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